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TiagoTiago 2012-03-28 18:47

Display stopped working while at the repairshop
Some weeks ago my USB port finally died completly, so i took my N900 to the repairshop.

Before i handed it to them for them to evaluate how much the repair would cost, i removed my simcard, and booted it up one last time to make sure it wouldn't autolock if they tried to boot it without my sim. And i left instructions to always shut it down from the power button menu and not by holding the power button (to avoid file corruption, since i have it using the eMMC in place of the tiny default rootfs).

Well, some days later i call them to see if they have figured out how much the repair of the USB port was gonna cost me and the repair guy asks me if i knew the device wasn't "visualizing"; the screen isn't working anymore; many weeks passed with the guy having difficulty finding parts to repair the screen, i keep calling the repairshop every week to see if they got any news, finally today he says somthing is bad with the circuit board 'cause when he tried transplanting the board to another N900 the screen would still not work, but the board from that other N900 has no issues with the screen on mine...

edit: oh, i forgot about the part in the beginning when the repairshop guy asked if i had some repairs done to it in another shop, saying it was a crappy job with unofficial replacement parts, wrong screws and a screw loose inside the case; i never had any work at all done to my N900, and it was storebought.

I meant to come here to ask for your insight earlier but my life has been a tad hectic lately. Has anyone heard of a N900's board loosing display functionality just like that?

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