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Drgnknghtmn 2012-04-04 07:56

Question Regarding RD Mode and Power Kernel
I keep my phone in RD mode because if I don't it stays in a reboot loop, Im wondering if I installed power kenel will I lose RD mode ? Thanks for the help in advance

vi_ 2012-04-04 08:47

Re: Question Regarding RD Mode and Power Kernel
Putting your phone in R&D mode disables the watchdog timer. This would imply you have HEAVILY borken your n900. i.e. some critical process is unable to run, therefore DSME is rebooting the n900. By enabling R&D mode all you have done is 'disable' the reset button for when things go tits up.

Changing your kernel will not solve this. You have 2 options:

1. Leave your device in R&D mode (broken).
2. COMPLETE re-flash and start again.

Considering the circumstance it is HIGHLY recommended that you re-flash your n900.

Drgnknghtmn 2012-04-04 13:44

Re: Question Regarding RD Mode and Power Kernel
I believed I have reflashed my n900 (it didnt help)and the reason why it does the reboot loop is water damage. I think a process is trying to call up the broken wifi chip. Anyway Im not trying to fix my phone by adding the power kernel I was just making sure before I install it I keep RD mode active so I can still use my phone.

Just for clarification's sake you basically said I can install the power kernel and my phone will still be in RD Mode, correct?


vi_ 2012-04-04 13:54

Re: Question Regarding RD Mode and Power Kernel

Originally Posted by Drgnknghtmn (Post 1187934)
I believed I have reflashed my n900 (it didnt help)and the reason why it does the reboot loop is water damage. I think a process is trying to call up the broken wifi chip. Anyway Im not trying to fix my phone by adding the power kernel I was just making sure before I install it I keep RD mode active so I can still use my phone.

Just for clarification's sake you basically said I can install the power kernel and my phone will still be in RD Mode, correct?


R&D mode is 'deeper' than kernel as it were. Updating to KP50 will not break your R&D mode.

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