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gidzzz 2012-04-29 10:45

[Announce] Updated Pidgin (2.10.9) & Purple Plugin Pack
I don't think I have to introduce Pidgin, but if you have really never heard of it, I can say that it's a powerful instant messenger, Visit for more details.

As you might have noticed, Pidgin in the repositories was at version 2.7.7, while the upstream is already at 2.10.x. I felt like there were too many bugs not fixed and features missing, so I gave compiling it a try. Apparently, it went alright and the updated packages are in the repositories.

To accomplish this, I created a diff between vanilla 2.7.7 and nix_nix's 2.7.7 (current version in extras and extras-testing). Then applied it to vanilla 2.10.2 and fixed conflicts. This means credit goes to Pidgin's team and nix_nix. I also managed to fix some problems with the buddy list.

What's new? A lot, see the official changelog for details ( The only Maemo-specific change is improved handling of the buddy list. The package is compiled with encryption for Gadu-Gadu (don't forget to enable it in the account settings).

Status area and notifications plugins from the repositories seem to work fine with this version.

Downloads: the newest version is available in extras-devel and an older one in extras-testing.

More plugins! If you think that there's some kind of functionality missing, there's a chance that the remedy is within a huge pack of plugins called Purple Plugin Pack (see for a list) and now it's in the repositories too. There are so many plugins that I can't test them all on my own, so don't be surprised if some of them don't work. Please report such cases in this thread, so I can fix problems or exclude broken plugins from the package.

HtheB 2012-04-29 10:50

Re: [Announce] Updated Pidgin
Thanks, I tried to contact nix_nix a lot for this update, never got a reply back though.

Do you think that this could work for harmattan aswell? (n950 users)

zincholic 2012-04-29 11:28

Re: [Announce] Updated Pidgin
which file that i should install first?
are there any spesific order ?

Makeclick 2012-04-29 11:45

Re: [Announce] Updated Pidgin
I have been waithing the pidgin for harmattan (N9/50) from the beginning. Would be nice to have it.

gidzzz 2012-04-29 19:39

Re: [Announce] Updated Pidgin
I don't have anything that runs Harmattan and I know nearly nothing about its internals, so I don't have the foggiest idea about how many adjustments it would need and I won't be able to support it.


Originally Posted by zincholic (Post 1199018)
which file that i should install first?
are there any spesific order ?

Start with libpurple0, finish with pidgin-l10n or purple-extra-protocols (they're both optional).

slvr32 2012-04-29 20:00

Re: [Announce] Updated Pidgin (2.10.2)
Any chance of getting this bumped to the current 2.10.3 release?

MartinK 2012-04-29 20:54

Re: [Announce] Updated Pidgin

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1199013)
Do you think that this could work for harmattan aswell? (n950 users)

Check out the GTK@Harmattan thread, looks like Pidgin is already running in some form. Javispedro even found a way to activate the on-screen keyboard (which was the main usability issue since I did the initial GTK port last summer).

zincholic 2012-04-30 04:23

Re: [Announce] Updated Pidgin

Originally Posted by gidzzz (Post 1199172)
Start with libpurple0, finish with pidgin-l10n or purple-extra-protocols (they're both optional).

unable to install "libpurple0"
incompatible application package.

MiK546 2012-04-30 05:25

Re: [Announce] Updated Pidgin

Originally Posted by zincholic (Post 1199301)
unable to install "libpurple0"
incompatible application package.

Install it by running:

dpkg -i path/to/the/file/libpurple0_2.10.2+nix-1_armel.deb
in x-terminal as root.

ajack 2012-04-30 06:34

Re: [Announce] Updated Pidgin (2.10.2)
nix_nix was an employee of Nokia when I last talked to him in October 2010. Could be he was on a burning platform and jumped into the sea. Glad to see somebody maintaining Pidgin. :)

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