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rayan.vengara 2012-05-09 11:30

N900 cam shows operation failed
i recently bought a used nokia n900 from one of my friend. it worked fine for the past two months and now it shows operation failed when i take camera for taking snaps. the same problem had existed once before and just once and then it was gone all by itself within a coupl of new to this platform and don't know much about the xterminal and all those stuff..a working solution is urgently required and thanx in advance for the replies....hope some one helps me soon as the problem persist for the past two weeks :mad:

sifo 2012-05-09 11:43

Re: N900 cam shows operation failed
hi rayan.vengara
if you got fcam-drivers uninstall it (that package come with blessn900 and hdrcapture and fcam applications )
another thing if you bought it used flash your N900 so you got all clean then start with it :) .
have fun.

MiK546 2012-05-09 11:44

Re: N900 cam shows operation failed
Did you reflash your N900 when you got it? Have you or, if you didnt reflash it, your friend installed anything that could have something to do with the camera like fcam drivers?

rayan.vengara 2012-05-09 11:47

Re: N900 cam shows operation failed

Originally Posted by MiK546 (Post 1203964)
Did you reflash your N900 when you got it? Have you or, if you didnt reflash it, your friend installed anything that could have something to do with the camera like fcam drivers?

reflash in the sense? things were ok when i bought it..n i now reinstalled my mobile software.i reset it to factory seting and formated it these din work

rayan.vengara 2012-05-09 11:51

Re: N900 cam shows operation failed

Originally Posted by sifo (Post 1203963)
hi rayan.vengara
if you got fcam-drivers uninstall it (that package come with blessn900 and hdrcapture and fcam applications )
another thing if you bought it used flash your N900 so you got all clean then start with it :) .
have fun.

i dont have any of those on my phone.i use the nokia app itself for taking pics

HELLASISGREECE 2012-05-09 11:51

Re: N900 cam shows operation failed
i bet you have fcam installed.

uninstall the fcam drivers and reinstall them.
it will work

sifo 2012-05-09 11:53

Re: N900 cam shows operation failed
sorry but im sure this problem could be solved by a reflash btw install kernel power50 it may get you out of that problem
hope this help

rayan.vengara 2012-05-09 11:55

Re: N900 cam shows operation failed

Originally Posted by HELLASISGREECE (Post 1203973)
i bet you have fcam installed.

uninstall the fcam drivers and reinstall them.
it will work

sorry i don have fcam installed in my phone. any other problem can cause the same?

rayan.vengara 2012-05-09 11:58

Re: N900 cam shows operation failed

Originally Posted by sifo (Post 1203974)
sorry but im sure this problem could be solved by a reflash btw install kernel power50 it may get you out of that problem
hope this help

what is kernal power 50?how do i install sorry as i said am not familiar with all these stuff...apreciate ur intrest

MiK546 2012-05-09 12:45

Re: N900 cam shows operation failed

Originally Posted by rayan.vengara (Post 1203969)
reflash in the sense? things were ok when i bought it..n i now reinstalled my mobile software.i reset it to factory seting and formated it these din work

Reflashing restores the phone to factory state (removes all user data and reinstalls the OS), the "reset to factory settings" in the settings menu doesnt do the same. For more information see:

Also to install kernel power v50 you must first enable Extras-testing and the install kernel power through application manager.

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