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Charly 2012-05-12 00:36

n900 still a good choice
Hi everybody,

I'm thinking about buying a (second hand) n900. Main reason for that device is the hardware keyboard as well as a "real" linux -- I *love* playing around :D

However, I do have a few concerns:
Is the hardware still powerful enough? To be honest, I've neither had a 1.5GHz quadcore nor a low-end 600MHz device in my hands. Reading online tells me, that as soon as quad cores are availible, everything below is "too slow". Of course I'm aware, that playing won't be that fun. That's not my interest though. I'd like to browse the web, do some geocaching and maybe wardriving (yeah, no more laptop carrying when warwalking :D) Aaaan, of course: I'd like to use the command line a lot ;)

How about encryption? I've heard a lot of bad stuff about Android/iOS when it comes to that point. Is there any possibility to do a full disk encryption? (I guess, it'd have a huge performance impact?) Yes, I'd like to enter a password everytime I boot this thing. Or is there already an implementation of securely storing my data? This is one of my main reasons for not having a smartphone yet.

Um... well, that's about it :)

To make it short: Would YOU invest 150+ US-Dollar for a used N900? :p

Thanks a lot

sifo 2012-05-12 00:40

Re: n900 still a good choice
N900 is the best device ever it could do everything ;) + overclocked to 1.15GH and it is very good for browsing also the N900 support WEBOS games which is great !.

and if you like to hurt people and their routers you will buy it immediately :p

ir.miringila 2012-05-12 03:19

Re: n900 still a good choice
i should say it will be a very good investment... it really depend on you actually... but i surely say you must have the knowledge of what is good and bad about n900. the good is this community... except Lumiaman and me...

ArchiMark 2012-05-12 03:42

Re: n900 still a good choice
Yes, and I have 2 N900's....


Iktwo 2012-05-12 04:08

Re: n900 still a good choice

Originally Posted by ArchiMark (Post 1205548)
Yes, and I have 2 N900's....


I also have 2 :D and I love them equally

RobertHall 2012-05-12 04:59

Re: n900 still a good choice
just to add my two cents 150usd is a bit too can find them for less in great condition

MINKIN2 2012-05-12 06:45

Re: n900 still a good choice
Phones these days are becoming like the PC spec race of a few years ago, yes a quad core phone would be nice but would you really need it if you are going to use it for facebook or the next draw with freinds app?

Outside of the next gen of mobile games, you would be hard pressed to find something that these phones can that the n900 can't do aleady, so I would say go for it. The n900 is a wonderful little device that can do most things that you expect to do on your linux PC, granted in some cases a little more RAM would not go a miss but considering you can run some heavy programs such as GIMP, Iceweasel blender and open office you would still be very impressed at what this can do. Heck we have been using these for years and its only recently that the dual core phones have been able to do similar.

I would say go for it, you won't be dissapointed.

c4rl05 2012-05-12 06:52

Re: n900 still a good choice
someday i was reading a wikipedia article and i was amazed how they make n900 to be in three catergory, 1st they said it is a Handled Computer, 2nd its an internet tablet and 3rd its a smartphone, xo u'l b having more power when you have your n900 on yo hand

electroaudio 2012-05-12 06:54

Re: n900 still a good choice

Originally Posted by Charly (Post 1205527)
Hi everybody,

I'm thinking about buying a (second hand) n900. Main reason for that device is the hardware keyboard as well as a "real" linux -- I *love* playing around :D

Then i guess you will be a very happy 900 user ;)


However, I do have a few concerns:
Is the hardware still powerful enough? To be honest, I've neither had a 1.5GHz quadcore nor a low-end 600MHz device in my hands. Reading online tells me, that as soon as quad cores are availible, everything below is "too slow".
There is nothing present in the OS that alters its behaviour depending on the market ;)
It is what it is, and to mee the only problem is its screensize, sometimes i would like it to be much bigger ;)
But the openness of the OS and the people who have exploited that , has also made the 900 a much faster and overall better device then it was when it was new.


To make it short: Would YOU invest 150+ US-Dollar for a used N900? :p
I have two already, but yes.

gerdich 2012-05-12 08:07

Re: n900 still a good choice
Yes! I also bought a second one! Perhaps I'll buy a third one.

The hardware is good for many things (experiments with arduino e.g.).
The speed is enough. It is no high end gaming desktop.

Only the RAM of 256MB is a little bit little for a modern device.
But it has a Hardware Virtual Memory manager and uses out of the box 768MB of virtual memory on swap.
Many applications work fluently.

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