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ajoha2003 2012-05-12 22:12

Nokia N9 data recovery
I had to re install the software on me Nokia n9 via Phoenix and i had to a full refurbish. but i could copy any picture that had. I need something to get the pictures back after the full format.

rainisto 2012-05-12 23:23

Re: Nokia N9 data recovery
hopefully "could copy" means that you copied pictures to your pc as backup, and now you just want to plug your device in mass storage mode or by using scp, and you copy pictures back to devices from your backup. :)

If you forgot to backup (or meant "couldn't copy") your pictures before full refurbish, then your pictures are gone, and no way to get them back,

cynik606 2012-05-15 21:28

Re: Nokia N9 data recovery
If you didn't make a backup, you can try to recovery data from SD card.
For example with "OnTrack", "GetMyDataBack" or "Davory". But even if you will recover it, photos can be corrupted :(

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