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Sap 2012-05-15 05:47

Cleaning the N9 screen
I was wondering if cleaning the N9 screen with rubbing alcohol would be safe. Do you think it would have a coating (anti-glare or otherwise) that might not be safe to use with alcohol?

Edit: Also, how about the camera lens?

rainisto 2012-05-15 06:10

Re: Cleaning the N9 screen
Use google and you get your answer.

Sap 2012-05-15 06:45

Re: Cleaning the N9 screen
I did get my answer :P

Originally Posted by iceman600 (Post 425266)
lick it... then wipe it with a tissue paper :)

On a serious note, I've seen recently manufacturers advising against the use of alcohol based cleaners and very much so, glass cleaners.

MINKIN2 2012-05-15 07:21

Re: Cleaning the N9 screen

Originally Posted by Sap (Post 1206863)
I did get my answer :P

On a serious note, I've seen recently manufacturers advising against the use of alcohol based cleaners and very much so, glass cleaners.

On a mobile device, you should not need anything else other than a lint free cloth to clean the screen. However I am wanting to as how dirty is your n9 if you feel the need to use a solvent or detergent of some kind?

As for the manufacturers warnings you have seen, then I guess they may be a little too over protective with their advice. They may beleive that some users might not know the diference between cleaning solutions?

Glass cleaners and other domestic cleaning products do contain a wide variety of other crap too which would not suitable for cleaning electronic equipment and will not evaporate quick enoungh before getting in to the handsets components. The best stuff to use would be neat alcohol (or alco wipes) Metholated Spirits or surgical spirits as these are very pure solutions with no other chemicals, so they will start to evaporate the moment they are applied and do not carry an electrical current. (incase they do start to seep behing the screen)

But again, I would have to advise of using the in pack lint free cloth before anything else.

NDarius 2012-05-15 07:31

Re: Cleaning the N9 screen
For screen, i took the cleaning cloth that is meant for cleaning glasses (sunglasses or reading glasses): it does the job well.

dumpystig 2012-05-15 08:29

Re: Cleaning the N9 screen
Ispropyl (rubbing) alcohol is what I use, sparingly applied to a microfiber cloth. Turn the phone off and wipe entire surfaces before drying/polishing with the same cloth. Never had any problems and it always comes up sparkling.

ZogG 2012-05-15 08:56

Re: Cleaning the N9 screen
next month the threads would be : should i clean clockwise or not and which fingers to use to use keyboard.

smcsa 2012-05-15 11:16

Re: Cleaning the N9 screen
I use wet sheets for glases. Or TFT / LCD Screen Cleaner. This not contains alcohol.

catbus 2012-05-15 13:34

Re: Cleaning the N9 screen

Originally Posted by rainisto (Post 1206857)
Use google and you get your answer.

All that i found was this ;)

Grazy 2012-05-15 13:49

Re: Cleaning the N9 screen
I clean the whole phone with 100% ethanol all the time! have not had any issue! :)

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