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ArchiMark 2012-05-16 15:08

Can't Change File Permissions in Terminal on a File
Trying to install latest cmake (v2.8.8) on N900....having weird problem trying to get the bootstrap script to run....

When I tried to run the script, I got 'permission denied'....

So, tried running script as root, still problem....

Checked permissions and it was:

-rw-r--r--    1  root    root      52155 Apr 18 11:10  bootstrap
So, I tried changing permissions to allow execution by doing:

chmod 777 bootstrap
So, then I tried:


chmod u+x bootstrap

No tried changing ownership:


chgrp user bootstrap
But still no go.....tried a few other attempts to change permissions after that....but nothing works....

What should I do in order to be able to execute this script????

Thanks for any help!


sifo 2012-05-16 15:33

Re: Can't Change File Permissions in Terminal on a File
HI ArchiMark.
look im not an expert with this but try chmod +x and maybe that script you are trying to run should be in /home/user and not MyDocs if it is i dont know if this got any meaning ???:p :D


ArchiMark 2012-05-16 16:17

Re: Can't Change File Permissions in Terminal on a File

Originally Posted by sifo (Post 1207446)
HI ArchiMark.
look im not an expert with this but try chmod +x and maybe that script you are trying to run should be in /home/user and not MyDocs if it is i dont know if this got any meaning ???:p :D


That worked!


sifo 2012-05-16 16:24

Re: Can't Change File Permissions in Terminal on a File
well ArchiMark that was a brain fart :D but which one worked moving the script or chmod +x ?? + im happy i could help ;)

itsnotabigtruck 2012-05-16 16:28

Re: Can't Change File Permissions in Terminal on a File

Originally Posted by sifo (Post 1207471)
well ArchiMark that was a brain fart :D but which one worked moving the script or chmod +x ?? + im happy i could help ;)

Probably the combination of the two. MyDocs is a FAT32 partition, which doesn't support permissions, so doing a chmod doesn't actually do anything. Once the file is moved, it can then be made executable and everything works. :)

sifo 2012-05-16 16:30

Re: Can't Change File Permissions in Terminal on a File
yeah i know that but i didnt expect it to work ;)

ArchiMark 2012-05-16 16:45

Re: Can't Change File Permissions in Terminal on a File
I did both, sifo....just assumed that was what you meant....

flotron 2013-03-27 19:17

Re: Can't Change File Permissions in Terminal on a File
what about chmod +x /opt/myapp/ it shoud work?

coderus 2013-03-27 20:05

Re: Can't Change File Permissions in Terminal on a File
why bumping old threads?

flotron 2013-03-27 20:11

Re: Can't Change File Permissions in Terminal on a File

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1332348)
why bumping old threads?

:confused: I'm always cautious of being off-topic. Didn't know that "bump" old threads was prohibited too.

Sorry, private messages from now on

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