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AapoRantalainen 2012-05-22 07:17

[Announce] Flare (2d rpg) on extras-devel
1 Attachment(s)

Flare (Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine) is a simple game engine built to handle a very specific kind of game: single-player 2D action RPGs. Flare is not a reimplementation of an existing game or engine. It is a tribute to and exploration of the action RPG genre.

Package name is flare, installed size 80Mb.
Licence: GPLv3+ and CC-BY-SA 3.0+.

Game is currently in development (version 0.16), but seems there are something to play.

Check video for game play on N900:

For audio (sound+music) you need most updated version of libsdl-mixer (currently this can't be forced by package).

apt-cache policy libsdl-mixer1.2
  Installed: 1:1.2.6-5+0m5+ogg+mp3-2

Configure files can be found in directory: /home/user/.config/flare/ (configure and keybindings can be tuned also in game)

Saved games can be found in directory: /home/user/.local/share/flare
Maemo branch:

niloy 2012-05-22 07:38

Re: [Announce] Flare (2d rpg) on extras-devel
cool, looks like diablo

AapoRantalainen 2012-05-22 07:42

Re: [Announce] Flare (2d rpg) on extras-devel

Originally Posted by niloy (Post 1210608)
cool, looks like diablo

Ubuntuvibes thinks so also:

dgls82 2012-05-22 13:16

Re: [Announce] Flare (2d rpg) on extras-devel
Thanks to Aapo for the port... I like Diablo very much and this game is awesome! :D!

I can report three bugs:
1- no sound in game at all (no music and no effects);
2- after I saved a game, when I go to the loading page I find a pink square instead of the image of my character;
3- when I die, I can't press enter to restart game directly. I have to save and exit to main menu and reload


sifo 2012-05-22 15:32

Re: [Announce] Flare (2d rpg) on extras-devel

thanks man i'll give it at try looks good !

AapoRantalainen 2012-05-22 20:41

Re: [Announce] Flare (2d rpg) on extras-devel
Thanks for reports.


Originally Posted by dgls82 (Post 1210751)
1- no sound in game at all (no music and no effects);

As shown in video, I have sound. I have seen (reproducible) issues. e.g. A) start game, create character, start, wait, 30seconds, wait -> no sounds
B) start game, create character, start, run your character -> Music starts.

Do you have this?

apt-cache policy libsdl-mixer1.2
  Installed: 1:1.2.6-5+0m5+ogg+mp3-2


Originally Posted by dgls82 (Post 1210751)
2- after I saved a game, when I go to the loading page I find a pink square instead of the image of my character;

I can reproduce, doesn't happen on Ubuntu.
Bug reported to upstream:


Originally Posted by dgls82 (Post 1210751)
3- when I die, I can't press enter to restart game directly. I have to save and exit to main menu and reload

I haven't yet died :). I will fix this. Meanwhile test if spacebar acts as enter?

dgls82 2012-05-24 12:57

Re: [Announce] Flare (2d rpg) on extras-devel
Hi Aapo!

1- I upgraded libsdl-mixer and now sound works.
2- ok!
3- you are right! If I press spacebar and wait 3-5 second, game restarts.

Now, a problem and two questions...

1- Flare uses as icon the icon of Flare Elite (this game: ). I never installed that game but Flare uses the same icon.
2- when I play, how can I use the power in M2 box (or square I don't the right term...)
3- Is there a way to remap the keys?

Thank you in advance...


AapoRantalainen 2012-05-24 18:02

Re: [Announce] Flare (2d rpg) on extras-devel

Originally Posted by dgls82 (Post 1211890)
1- Flare uses as icon the icon of Flare Elite (this game: ). I never installed that game but Flare uses the same icon.

I can't access page for this link. It redirects to the:

This is the icon used:

Which is defined on flare.desktop just as "Icon=flare", so if you have another flare-image it could be used, I have no idea of order path checking.


Originally Posted by dgls82 (Post 1211890)
3- Is there a way to remap the keys?

Seems it is not yet implemented.
There are already: "Configure -> Input" but it is not working yet.

There are config file:
but it's values are numerical referring to these:

e.g first row in keybindings.txt is

and SDL_keysym.h says

SDLK_ESCAPE                = 27,
SDLK_BACKSPACE                = 8,

So escape and backspace can be used for cancel.

(Here you also see why enter can't be used, but space works. "accept=13,32". Where 32=space, 13=return, but N900 has SDLK_KP_ENTER = 271. I will change this for default)


Originally Posted by dgls82 (Post 1211890)
2- when I play, how can I use the power in M2 box (or square I don't the right term...)

Keybindings.txt has

where 3 refers to right mouse button. But you can change it example to "main2=3,116" and then 't'-key works as 'M2'

I must confess I haven't tested are these numerical shortcut bars working (some SDL game has problems with reading keys pressed with Fn). But these can also tuned in keysettings.txt

mr_pingu 2012-05-24 18:04

Re: [Announce] Flare (2d rpg) on extras-devel
Doesn't have the CSSU fixed that Enter/Return thing?

sEKI 2012-05-28 10:51

Re: [Announce] Flare (2d rpg) on extras-devel
Does anyone know where the save game file is located? I've looked in:
/home/user/.config/flare - only contain settings & keybindings
/home/opt/flare - also no joy in subdirs...


Found it in /home/user/.local/share/flare

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