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Mantic 2007-08-04 19:52

SCUMMVM and Gameboy Advanced
Does anyone use either SCUMMVM or the Gameboy Advanced emulator (I forget its name)?

I've installed SCUMMVM and it runs fine but not being able to differentiate between a left and a right mouse click, it's pretty limited. Is there any way around this?

I've also heard that the GB emulator runs fine but there aren't any games that support the N770's limited input system.

Any ideas?

earl00 2007-08-04 19:58

Re: SCUMMVM and Gameboy Advanced
scummvm has a right click(center d-pad). and don't bother with gba - its runs way to slow.

Slakker 2007-08-04 20:10

Re: SCUMMVM and Gameboy Advanced
I run VisualBoy Advance on my desktop, but i've got substantially more power in my tower than the 770 can handle dreaming about :)

I'm waiting until I get back to the dorms for all the free WiFi I can eat (er...what?) before I really start messing around with too much as far as programs go.

oprion 2007-08-05 02:28

Re: SCUMMVM and Gameboy Advanced
NES emulator runs beautifully though and has a on-screen interface to take place of the missing buttons.

tom61 2007-08-05 04:03

Re: SCUMMVM and Gameboy Advanced

Originally Posted by oprion (Post 65659)
NES emulator runs beautifully though and has a on-screen interface to take place of the missing buttons.

What are you using for NES emulation? The one I have on my 770 has to have a very high frameskip to work at a decent speed with many games, and then there is sound issues.


I've also heard that the GB emulator runs fine but there aren't any games that support the N770's limited input system.
The GB (original/color) emulator uses the zoom buttons for the two fires, and you can't register the D-Pad's direction and the zoom buttons at the same time. :(

ArnimS 2007-08-05 13:40

Re: SCUMMVM and Gameboy Advanced
The emulators are more or less straight recompiles of the desktop emulators.

There are emulators for pocket devices that are more work to port, but should run fast. see for links to them.

Mantic 2007-08-05 17:48

Re: SCUMMVM and Gameboy Advanced
Thanks for your replies - I'll have another look!

Further scummvm instructions can be found here:

And don't forget to read the manual for the game (like I did - inventory is displayed by clicking the top of the screen - duh).

Jelly-0 2007-08-05 18:42

Re: SCUMMVM and Gameboy Advanced
I like using ScummVM for Monkey Island & Sam and Max- no emu, whats the MAME emu like?

Chinpokomon 2007-08-08 06:58

Re: SCUMMVM and Gameboy Advanced
I hadn't seen that page before... I couldn't figure out why sometimes the game would speed up... Still, I'd recommend grabbing the version Fanoush builds: This looks like it is more up to date.

fanoush 2007-08-09 13:14

Re: SCUMMVM and Gameboy Advanced

Originally Posted by Chinpokomon (Post 66475)
I hadn't seen that page before... I couldn't figure out why sometimes the game would speed up... Still, I'd recommend grabbing the version Fanoush builds: This looks like it is more up to date.

The page is linked from the top of

Tomas Junnonen did the first port of version 0.8.0. with Scumm, BASS and FOTAQ engines enabled. I wanted to enable other engines and also support for mp3 and ogg compressed sound. I have contacted Tomas few times but he is quite busy so the result is that I continued from where he left. His pages are quite nice and provide good information but I can't just steal it so the link is there. We were also talking about creating scummvm garage project where his documentation can be hosted with me or others continuing with the port but so far the project was not created. One of the reasons is that Maemo support is started also directly in scummvm project
so such garage project would be somewhat superfluous in future.

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