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Disco Cat 2012-06-06 08:38

Notifications interrupt playback
I'm trying to configure my n900 to not interrupt video/audio playback when an incoming sms/im is received.

With the default media player, the standard notification is changed to a simple beep, which is played over the audio, and the pop-up is not shown, relying on the LED instead. For any other media player, though, I'm getting the normal notification sound, during which I miss 5 seconds of the video's audio track. The pop-ups also cause screen flickering and reduce the framerate.

Based on other threads/bug reports, I figured it might be related to the configuration of xpolicy.conf.


However, after creating a symbolic link for qmltube in /usr/bin and including an entry like so:


exe = qmltube
group = player

...and rebooting, I found no difference.

I've tested with both qmltube and kmplayer watching both local media and youtube videos.

Does anyone know of a way to configure this, or have any advice regarding where to look or how to get the other players to behave like the default one?

kent_autistic 2012-06-06 13:05

Re: Notifications interrupt playback

Originally Posted by Disco Cat (Post 1218277)
I'm trying to configure my n900 to not interrupt video/audio playback when an incoming sms/im is received.

With the default media player, the standard notification is changed to a simple beep, which is played over the audio, and the pop-up is not shown, relying on the LED instead.

how did you do that?

sixwheeledbeast 2012-06-06 16:05

Re: Notifications interrupt playback

Originally Posted by kent_autistic (Post 1218398)
how did you do that?

That's standard for stock MP.
OMP on the other hand still interupts playback, a fix has yet to be found, I guess.

MohammadAG 2012-06-06 16:53

Re: Notifications interrupt playback
The application needs to implement libplayback as per

sixwheeledbeast 2012-06-26 19:43

Re: Notifications interrupt playback
For anybody hitting this on a power search...
OMP as of version 20120625-1 no longer interupts playback.
It also has options to allow interuptions if locked or not.

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