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Ken-Young 2012-06-18 21:20

Could a new keypad lock screen be made for the N900?
I would very much like to replace the lock screen on my N900. I don't mean the lock screen with the slider, I mean the one which shows the numeric keypad. I would like to make a new version that has the following additional features:

1) If someone enters the default code (12345 or any other obvious breakin attempt like 00000) the phone is bricked.

2) In addition to the real lock code, I would like a "stress code" which I could enter, for example, if I were forced to unlock the phone at a national border. This code would unlock the phone, but silently delete certain directories.

Is anyone working on something like this? I know Mohammad AG was working on a replacement for the other lock screen, but I don't use that one. Is the code for the keypad lock screen proprietary? If I had to write a replacement from scratch, does anyone know how I could replace the default version?

Thanks for any info!

Dave999 2012-06-18 21:28

Re: Could a new keypad lock screen be made for the N900?
Interesting idea. Unfortunately, I can't help you. I just have a question. What do you mean unlock phone at the border? You mean that the boarder control go through your phone?

nicolai 2012-06-18 22:23

Re: Could a new keypad lock screen be made for the N900?

Originally Posted by Ken-Young (Post 1223879)
Is the code for the keypad lock screen proprietary?

Yes, devicelock ui is part of the systemui packages:
osso-systemui and osso-systemui-devlock


Ken-Young 2012-06-18 22:45

Re: Could a new keypad lock screen be made for the N900?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1223884)
Interesting idea. Unfortunately, I can't help you. I just have a question. What do you mean unlock phone at the border? You mean that the boarder control go through your phone?

Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Civil liberties haven't been doing so well here in the USA lately.

Dave999 2012-06-18 22:51

Re: Could a new keypad lock screen be made for the N900?

Originally Posted by Ken-Young (Post 1223923)
Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Civil liberties haven't been doing so well here in the USA lately.

Wow. Leave that county asap ;) that is dangerous stuff...

nokiabot 2013-07-10 08:08

Re: Could a new keypad lock screen be made for the N900?
humm ... Damm closed stuffs:( it would be a nice utility if it were done. . Any other methods to achive this . i.e a configurable hidden icon in dextop?

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