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hrr4 2012-06-23 20:54

Odd reply from Stephen Elop
So i emailed Stepon elop with some questions that were bothering me bout Microsoft's decision. I cant figure out what his reply means
Below is the reply i got for my email. Does he mean Meego still has a future when he said "both with Lumia ...."?

Thanks for your note. I think both with Lumia today and products in the future we will have lots of exciting opportunities for you.



From: ext hiren amin []
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 14:14
To: Elop Stephen (Nokia/Espoo)
Subject: Meego & Win 7

I understand the company has to adapt to changes around it and I believe win7 was the right way to go for the Nokia's outstanding hardware, but should Nokia really put all their trust on one company. I am outraged with Microsoft for putting out the news so early about Lumia's not bieng able to upgrade to win8 still about 4 months to go for the release why should someone invest in a Lumia phone at the moment? Why should nokia only stick to Win8? Why cant nokia use both Meego and Win8 for their products? I know symbian is still there but Meego has the ability to capture alot of Android and IOS users, I was surprised by my N9 it exceeded my expectation even though i got it almost a year after its release. Is nokia planning to release more Meego phones with better hardware? I would love to see pureview on a Meego handset, not only me there are thousands of diehard meego fans.

I was intrigued to get Lumia900 but MS has put me off, 7.8 just wouldnt cut it for me, but hopefully nokia will have more OS choices in the future if not i guess i will have no choice but to get win8.

- Hiren

gerbick 2012-06-23 20:56

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop
Both means Lumia today (one) and Lumia tomorrow (two). He's not regarding MeeGo at all.

hrr4 2012-06-23 21:02

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop
makes me wonder he probably didnt even read my email, just replied with a stock response.

MINKIN2 2012-06-23 21:08

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop
That is pretty much the same reply that was given in the engadget article. Looks like this will be his new rhetoric for the time being?

I wonder if he truly knows what Microsofts plans for Nokia now? He does seem to have lost confidence in his replies.

specc 2012-06-23 21:18

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop
No, it means exactly what he said. Lumia today and products in the future. Products being anything Nokia will produce in the future (at some point they will change name, maybe even for the first WP8 as to differentiate beween that and the obsolete Lumia)

Products also means 808 PureView. God, there's only raving reviews of that phone. A few days ago I was too fed up with Lumias and WP7/8, but I can't resist the 808. Just gotta have it :D

Even the screen is good despite the low resolution. Tests show a perfect screen, the best ever tested:

Nokia top 3:

1. 808 Pure View
2. N8 and N9

I even hope they make it with WP8. Create some good devices with funky hardware that can stand up to the hordes of Androids. Androids, they're like Space Invaders, endless swarms of identical robots with a "mother" (SGSXXX) coming from time to time.

Zoxir 2012-06-23 21:27

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop
Why do you guys mail him anyway? Isn't it clear at this point what he is doing to Nokia do you think he cares about Nokia costumers???

Lumiaman 2012-06-23 21:30

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop
Specc is spot on. NOKIA is doing what it has to do. Shed the Taliban phone and go with few good ones.

specc 2012-06-23 21:48

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop

Originally Posted by MINKIN2 (Post 1226468)
I wonder if he truly knows what Microsofts plans for Nokia now? He does seem to have lost confidence in his replies.

It is easy to put too much meaning into these things. The best is to take it word by word. But I think you are right. Elop hoped the Lumias would sell much better than they did. With the announcement of WP8, the whole Lumia thing with WP7 seems like a big joke. It certainly is over for the Lumias, this is the end.

Or maybe he finally starts to get it, you know - ooops, what HAVE I done??!!! :D

The truth is that Nokia was in much worse shape than we could ever imagine. From the outside, it looked like some small adjustment would do it, but the reality was a company that had grown way out of proportions. They had no coherent sustainable plan and no product line that could survive the attack from Android/Apple or low end Chinese manufacturers. Nokia was an overemployd big blob, and the only thing that kept it going was the momentum from previous glory. Too pride to go Android and too blobby to make their own ecosystem/OS'es competitive in time.

Elop was hired to save whatever could be saved and cut away everything else. As it turned out, that wasn't much, but maybe, just maybe it was enough. We will see.

pagis 2012-06-23 21:58

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop
Not sure how to trust Nokia any more, the way they speak and do shows that their top priority is Microsoft's interests only. Over the last two years they effectively killed symbian, meego, meltemi, qt and go with wp. Belle, N9, and pureview showed clearly how wrong and rushed their decision was.

panukooo 2012-06-23 22:02

Re: Odd reply from Stephen Elop
I have a proposal: Let's send emails only with the word MeeGo, I already send 40 xD

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