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kai_en 2012-06-27 14:57

N9 CalDav Problem with Google Calendar, refuse to initiate sync, refuse to sync existing items, etc
I have this extremely frustrating problem with CalDav on N9. It simply doesn't work well with Google Calendar.

I had multiple calendar on Google and it worked at the beginning. Multiple calendars were regconized and all items were sync with N9. Then suddenly after several weeks, it just refused to sync no matter how many times I pushed the "sync" button.

Then I delete the CalDav account and tried recreating the account. This time N9 only recognizes the multiple account but when hit the sync button. None of the existing entries were downloaded. I tried creating new event entry on one of the calendar and that sync perfectly fine. But the existing entries just refuse to sync! Even if it's future event! And this juncture I tried multiple methods already, I tried deleting the calendar on Google side and created new calendar and import all the entries from back up. But the "sync" still doesn't work. The only thing I have yet to try is the hard reset but that seemed to an extreme measure.

N770-Freak 2012-07-04 07:44

Re: N9 CalDav Problem with Google Calendar, refuse to initiate sync, refuse to sync existing items, etc
Hi kai_en,

most probably I'm facing the same problem with ownCloud and caldav sync. Only future items are synchronised.

Did you dig deeper into detail how to resove this issue? Maybe there's a config file to configure the N9 caldav client.

kai_en 2012-07-05 04:07

Re: N9 CalDav Problem with Google Calendar, refuse to initiate sync, refuse to sync existing items, etc
It's actually problem with the db file found in the /home/user/.calendar. Where the individual items for the deleted calendar were still found. By simply editing or delete and restart the phone, the problem should disappear once you re-sync again. In order to read the file inside the .calendar folder, you have the initiate develsh first.

Yveus 2012-07-31 23:23

Re: N9 CalDav Problem with Google Calendar, refuse to initiate sync, refuse to sync existing items, etc
Hi, i've a doubt, can we see past events older than 1 week in N9 calendar ? Each time it syncs all the past entries older then 1 week desappear, is it normal ? I thought it wasn't the case but i may be wrong... Could you confirm or is it due to this db file corruption ?

kai_en 2012-08-01 04:23

Re: N9 CalDav Problem with Google Calendar, refuse to initiate sync, refuse to sync existing items, etc

Originally Posted by Yveus (Post 1245667)
Hi, i've a doubt, can we see past events older than 1 week in N9 calendar ? Each time it syncs all the past entries older then 1 week desappear, is it normal ? I thought it wasn't the case but i may be wrong... Could you confirm or is it due to this db file corruption ?

For CalDav, that should not occur. For Mail For Exchange, Yes, it happens. You can change the sync item period in the MfE account>More settings

Yveus 2012-08-01 10:53

Re: N9 CalDav Problem with Google Calendar, refuse to initiate sync, refuse to sync existing items, etc
I confirm even with caldav the entries older than 1 week disappear after sync. I have a mfe account but i don't use for calendar nor i have activated sync for it with calendar.

so what can i do to see my old entries ? :(

N770-Freak 2012-08-01 11:27

Re: N9 CalDav Problem with Google Calendar, refuse to initiate sync, refuse to sync existing items, etc
Wonger posted a workaround to make future events visible again... Maybe this works for you too.

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