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Showngo 2007-08-06 16:21

Nokia 770 Airport Extreme N router.
I have an Apple Airport ExtremeN version router, all up to date. I have WPA2 security enabled and my 770 (running 2007HE) will not 'see' any networks available when I am in range of my router. Making the device useless at home, but it still works perfectly at work where we are using a linux wireless router with WEP.

I know that people have said that there are problems with these two and WPA, but a switch to WPA2 was the fix, though it has not helped me.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Chinpokomon 2007-08-08 06:38

Re: Nokia 770 Airport Extreme N router.
802.11n is not the same radio in the 770, right? I don't have an N AP, so I don't know for sure, but A-B-G routers are not exactly compatible with each other. Most G routers can be placed in mixed mode which will allow B devices to connect, maybe there is a similar setting for the AirPort?

Milhouse 2007-08-08 06:49

Re: Nokia 770 Airport Extreme N router.
Showngo - is your Apple router broadcasting it's SSID? If not, the 770 won't list it (which is correct, as your network is hidden) and you will have to manually create the connection in Control Panel -> Connectivity.

There's little point keeping a SSID hidden as it has no real security benefit (it's security by the weakest form of obscurity which any trainee script kiddie can overcome). If your SSID is currently hidden my advice is broadcast your SSID and the 770 should find it when it performs a scan.

The only decent defence against intrusion of a wireless network is WPA/WPA2. I'd be very concerned about anyone using WEP on a business network - you could probably crack the WEP key with your 770 in no time! :)

Showngo 2007-08-08 16:01

Re: Nokia 770 Airport Extreme N router.
I have the router set to mixed mode. Also the SSID is not hidden at all. The 770 was working on it, but it has not been able to see it for a week now. The security is WPA2 only.

I have already reflashed the 770, and it still cannot see it.

Any other thoughts?

Milhouse 2007-08-08 16:29

Re: Nokia 770 Airport Extreme N router.
No, sorry. I know that in the bugzilla there is a suggestion that 11n routers are quite buggy due to the unratified nature of the specification, and keeping the router firmware up to date will help but beyond that you may have to open a bug in order to get some Nokia involvement. It does seem odd, particularly as the 770 is/was working connecting to it...

bobm 2007-08-09 23:09

Re: Nokia 770 Airport Extreme N router.
Try turning ON your router's ACL function & ENTER your 770's wireless MAC Address in the list. BOUNCE every thing in the communications chain and try to connect again. :cool:

Showngo 2007-08-10 05:43

Re: Nokia 770 Airport Extreme N router.
What do you mean by the ACL function? I would assume that you mean the Mac Filtering?

iball 2007-08-10 05:45

Re: Nokia 770 Airport Extreme N router.

Originally Posted by Showngo (Post 67263)
What do you mean by the ACL function? I would assume that you mean the Mac Filtering?

That's what he means...ACL is short for "Access Control List" and while it was used in the wrong context here (ACLs are usually port/IP based) that's what he means.

Showngo 2007-08-10 06:13

Re: Nokia 770 Airport Extreme N router.
Thanks! That seems to have done the trick, I turned on MAC filtering, then off again. Now my 770 has internet access once again, sweet!

iball 2007-08-10 06:24

Re: Nokia 770 Airport Extreme N router.

Originally Posted by Showngo (Post 67268)
Thanks! That seems to have done the trick, I turned on MAC filtering, then off again. Now my 770 has internet access once again, sweet!

Best bet would be to keep MAC filtering on as it's a decent first line of defense.
Just make sure it's not the ONLY line of defense!

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