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mauron85 2012-07-09 08:57

[Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
1 Attachment(s)
Helium Mobile Browser is a lightweight QML/Qt mobile browser by Orange Labs UK.

Build a WebKit based browser using Qt and all the cutting edge related technologies (like QML). The work takes into focus 3 areas:
  • Browser Chrome, focused on User Experience and Usability
  • Browser Core, focused on the WebCore functionalities that are already in WebKit and, possibly, building in advance some of them
  • Browser Extensions, focused on designing a Framework to implement mini-in-browser apps, to deliver small, focused services

Key features
  • Support flash and java plugin
  • HTML5 support (Websockets...)
  • Acid3 100% (thanks to QtWebkit)

  • How to zoom? Use arrow keys (left and right)

  • Sunspider JS Benchmark
    1. helium browser - Total: 10448.4ms +/- 0.9%
    2. microb
    3. opera
  • Browsermark
    1. helium browser - Score: 19899
    2. opera - Score: 16029
    3. microb - Score: 10059

Browser comparison
Where is it?
Currently in extras-devel repository


  • Release based on Helium Reborn for Nemo
  • Initial release

Attachment 28806

ZogG 2012-07-09 08:59

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
I know there is also harmattan port of this. Is it worked on or abandoned ?

mauron85 2012-07-09 09:01

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Sorry, I don't know about harmattan port. This is only for Maemo5.

ZogG 2012-07-09 09:11

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900

Originally Posted by mauron85 (Post 1234267)
Sorry, I don't know about harmattan port. This is only for Maemo5.
this one

Wreck 2012-07-09 09:16

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Ooh, going to try it out right away.

How fast is it compared to MicroB?

mauron85 2012-07-09 09:21

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
I'll do some speed comparison later, but for me more important is better HTML5 support (websockets). Anyway it feels fast.

kent_autistic 2012-07-09 13:13

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
how come i cant see it in extras-devel?

edit: found it!

mauron85 2012-07-09 13:17

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
It's there. Direct link confirms that:
You should see it in HAM or FAM after update.

freemangordon 2012-07-09 13:23

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Unfortunately the project is abandoned for nearly an year, and helium browser is hardly usable in its current state :( . Not that it does not have potential, but still.

mauron85 2012-07-09 13:33

Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
I've used sources from their github. I think that helium has potential. What exactly are you missing? Probably we can do something about it. It currently has good support of HTML5, which I will require later for my webapp project. I've also tried your port of QtMWeb browser, but considered it less stable than Helium. So Helium is currently better option.

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