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asianmoomoo 2012-07-10 18:15

Accuweather help!
Hi all,

before anyone goes into how accuweather sucks and how meecast is better...i've tried both and i like accuweather more. more importantly, this thread is not for people to tell me to go and download meecast, etc etc.

When i go into nokia store to download the "restore accuweather application" it will not download and pops up a message saying "Can't install - Unable to trace installation package dependencies"

Any suggestion on how to fix this? Thanks!

minimos 2012-07-10 19:03

Re: Accuweather help!
If you can open a terminal window, get root and try "apt-get install wxapp"

Arie 2012-07-10 19:51

Re: Accuweather help!
I got it... here is the link download it and install it via filebox or terminal:

asianmoomoo 2012-07-10 21:20

Re: Accuweather help!
Thanks Arie and minimos -

after downloading the file from Arie, it still shows the same message "Can't install - Unable to trace installation package dependencies"

any ideas?

I am not too familiar with using terminal...

asianmoomoo 2012-07-10 21:25

Re: Accuweather help!
nevermind...i tried it minimos way and it worked! thanks everyone!

MarcAnton 2012-07-10 21:37

Re: Accuweather help!
Had the same problem after ota update to PR1.3 with accuweather.

Solved it with reinstalling firmware over Nokia Suite (firmware file includes all updated apps like store, maps, accuweather..)

I think the problem is that on store you still get v1.0.17 and not v1.0.19 from PR1.3

saw you solved your problem:)

asianmoomoo 2012-07-10 21:39

Re: Accuweather help!
I will plug my phone in tonight to make sure everything is updated

jpfsn 2012-07-10 21:39

Re: Accuweather help!

Originally Posted by asianmoomoo (Post 1235621)
nevermind...i tried it minimos way and it worked! thanks everyone!

Glad it worked for you.
I must admit after updating to PR1.3 I immediately uninstalled Accuweather and got Meecast. But I am hearing positive comments about Accuweather; perhaps it should not be immediately discounted now?

ajalkane 2012-07-10 21:57

Re: Accuweather help!

Originally Posted by jpfsn (Post 1235632)
Glad it worked for you.
I must admit after updating to PR1.3 I immediately uninstalled Accuweather and got Meecast. But I am hearing positive comments about Accuweather; perhaps it should not be immediately discounted now?

Well at least the AccuWeather widget in feed screen seems to now work correctly. In PR1.2 and previous it stopped working after a while. In PR1.3 it hasn't done that to me, but displays the weather reliably.

But hey, MeeCast is great and open source. So support it! :)

jpfsn 2012-07-10 22:04

Re: Accuweather help!

Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1235644)
But hey, MeeCast is great and open source. So support it! :)

I agree entirely!

But I have to admit the reason why I am tempted to try Accuweather is because I can't get Meecast to reliably show up on my feed homescreen. :rolleyes:

So, sadly, I am going to try Accuweather again. For now anyway.

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