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nbedford 2012-07-16 16:01

Tracker problems (PR1.3)
I'm having terrible problems with tracker on my N9 (PR1.3)

I started by copying 25GB of mp3, my music collection in Mass Storage Mode. and then run N9 Msic app, it just sits there says 'Updating library', I know tracker indexs the files for search etc... But I leave my phone for the whole weeked since friday, so after 72 hours it still says 'Updating library' :(

How long should tracker take to index large amounts of data, eg 1 hour per GB or more or less?

When I get stuck in 'Updating library' what is best solution, I don't want to have to reflash all over again :(

I try tracker-control --hard-reset but that wipes all tracker db.

If i delete all music and start copying again tracker can maybe catch up, but this seems like a pain, there must be a way to copy my music to N9 without haveing to copy one album at a time (very time consuming for me)

Anyone have any ideas, help?

What do others do? If i am the only one with problem what do people actually store on their 64GB N9's?


rainisto 2012-07-16 16:36

Re: Tracker problems
you just have to be patient, indexing big data amounts can take up to 2-3 weeks ;)

nbedford 2012-07-16 17:00

Re: Tracker problems
Really that long? OK, I guess I will have to learn to be patient...

flopjoke 2012-07-16 17:28

Re: Tracker problems
indexing 25GB in one go?! May God help your soul.

minimos 2012-07-17 14:08

Re: Tracker problems
Well, 25GB are always 25 GB, but I guess for indexing what matter is more how many songs are there, than how much storage they take.

nbedford 2012-07-17 14:45

Re: Tracker problems
Approx 4500 individual mp3 files

N770-Freak 2012-07-18 21:12

Re: Tracker problems
After reflashing PR1.3 I'm facing the same problem. 15GB of music and the music player keeps "Updating library".

In the past (<= PR1.2) it took only a couple of minutes to update the 15GB library.

tracker-control also spits out unconsistant information about the tracker status. Doing a hard-reset of the database also didn't resolve this issue.

nbedford 2012-07-19 06:24

Re: Tracker problems
I'm so glad its not only me. Like you previously on PR1.2 I didn't notice this problem and the music player could cope with my library.

Based on information provided by rainisto, I'm waiting patiently, but I think there is an issue with PR1.3 personally :-(

thedead1440 2012-07-19 06:52

Re: Tracker problems

Originally Posted by nbedford (Post 1239586)
I'm so glad its not only me. Like you previously on PR1.2 I didn't notice this problem and the music player could cope with my library.

Based on information provided by rainisto, I'm waiting patiently, but I think there is an issue with PR1.3 personally :-(

i hate to break this to you but rainisto gave a tongue in cheek comment which isn't true...hence the wink at the end....

Edit: I've around 15gb of songs and don't have the same issue...have you tried a clean reflash?

nbedford 2012-07-19 07:59

Re: Tracker problems
Yes, reflashed twice now :(

Does anyone know how the Music Player actually interactes with the tracker?

Do 3rd party players form Ovi Store use/rely on the tracker? I downloaded Sigma Player Free and that is able to see and play my music collection fine, so I am wondering whether it is actually a tracker issue or a Music Player issue?

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