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don.edri 2012-07-20 10:43

What is Nokia up to?
Just came across this news, about Nokia shop in Helsinki having on their outside those qr codes that redirect you to this website:

Any ideas what are they up to? New Lumia with windows 8? And to all members from Helsinki - have you been in that shop recently? Anything interesting there?

thedead1440 2012-07-20 10:55

Re: What is Nokia up to?
AFAIK its just a store revamp to be completed by next week...

don.edri 2012-07-20 11:04

Re: What is Nokia up to?
Well this is disappointing... O_o

EDIT: if that's all to this news, I think that moderator can close/delete this thread...

szymeczek34 2012-07-20 11:14

Re: What is Nokia up to?
7.09? It could FP2 for symbian but I don't believe they would make a whole new website just for symbian anymore.

longcat 2012-07-20 11:16

Re: What is Nokia up to? .aspx ... windows... run

fl4f 2012-07-20 11:44

Re: What is Nokia up to?
Probably a windows based phone using PureView and WP8, or something like that...

onethreealpha 2012-07-20 12:23

Re: What is Nokia up to?
this is around the time that MS is expected to release wp8 to OEM's. Entirely possible that nokia will be announcing their wp8 handset line up for release in Nov....

Dave999 2012-07-20 12:32

Re: What is Nokia up to?
This is two days old news. Leave the past...

Rauha 2012-07-20 13:00

Re: What is Nokia up to?

Originally Posted by don.edri (Post 1240197)
Any ideas what are they up to?

Yeah. They are renovating a shop. Thats ad for the new shop after renovation. Just shop marketing ********.


Originally Posted by don.edri (Post 1240197)
And to all members from Helsinki - have you been in that shop recently? Anything interesting there?

No, cause you cant get in. Its closed. Due to the before mentioned renovation. Not that theres any reason to enter Nokia shop anyway.

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