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c4rl05 2012-07-20 19:25

error: update your broswer(n900
after i flashed my phone i get this annoying error while i use my maemo browser on some site like hotmail, google plus etc, this wasn't used to be before flashing it i was wondering what wromg after flashing my phone, any one to help me please, i can't even creat a thread on forum while using maemo browser these days,

MINKIN2 2012-07-20 19:52

Re: error: update your broswer(n900
Do a quick search for "change user agent" and tweakflash would also help with some other sites too :)

c4rl05 2012-07-20 22:59

Re: error: update your broswer(n900
thanx i changed user agent and it worked like a dream

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