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cckwes 2012-07-21 13:41

[Announce] WifiTrans v0.2.1 wifi file transfer for Harmattan and Fremantle
5 Attachment(s)

I would like to announce the release of WifiTrans, a file transfer application through wireless network application. WifiTrans host a http server, files on your phone can be browsed through web browser and files can be uploaded to your phone through web browser too.

App Page:

Blog post with a quick user guide:

The free version of WifiTrans is available for download at apps formeego.

The apps is available for download at Nokia Store:
WifiTrans Free

[FREMANTLE] For N900 user, the full version of wifitrans is available for free. You can download the package here. The latest version is v0.2.1 and has same function as the wifitrans app in Harmattan.

This package depends on python, python-pyside.qtcore, python-pyside.qtgui, python-pyside.qtdeclarative. Please install the dependency packages before you install wifitrans for N900.

[WARNING] python-pyside.qtdeclarative is only available at extras-devel repo. Please read this wiki page before enabling the repo.

[Update] version 0.2.1 available, changelog:
  • Fixed the "still can delete without page refresh after delete disabled" bug

version 0.2.0 changelog:
  • Added remove file and folder (recursively) feature
  • Enable/Disable files and folder deletion option on menu
  • Fixed the unused back button on home page
  • Removed menu from white list and black list page toolbar


tommo 2012-07-21 13:54

Re: [Announce] WifiTrans wifi file transfer for Harmattan
Downloaded it yesterday and works perfectly. Thanks!

MINKIN2 2012-07-21 14:03

Re: [Announce] WifiTrans wifi file transfer for Harmattan
Works flawlessly! Big thanks to you mate, this will definitely make life much easier for me when i'm at friends&familys and need to access docs from my phone. (no one ever seems to have USB cables to hand, lol)

Jordi 2012-07-22 11:07

Re: [Announce] WifiTrans wifi file transfer for Harmattan
Thanks for this very useful app, I transfer files from and to my N9 every day, so this will be very easy now.

I found a small bug: when a directory has an accent on a letter, this directory is not readible (ex. Vidéo becomes Vidéo).

cckwes 2012-07-22 11:11

Re: [Announce] WifiTrans wifi file transfer for Harmattan

Originally Posted by Jordi (Post 1241180)
Thanks for this very useful app, I transfer files from and to my N9 every day, so this will be very easy now.

I found a small bug: when a directory has an accent on a letter, this directory is not readible (ex. Vidéo becomes Vidéo).

Thanks for reporting the bug, will look into and fix it ;)

BlinkThinks 2012-07-22 11:59

Re: [Announce] WifiTrans wifi file transfer for Harmattan
This may sound stupid, but will someone tell me what I need to do to get this or any other app from I already registered a few months back. I never had luck downloading files from I keep getting 'apps://4629/' when I select the app to download or some random number for other apps.

Downloading from both my desktop and N9.

cckwes 2012-07-22 12:02

Re: [Announce] WifiTrans wifi file transfer for Harmattan
Do you have the apps formeego client installed on your N9?

odradek 2012-07-22 12:07

Re: [Announce] WifiTrans wifi file transfer for Harmattan
Can somebody post a direct link? Apps formeego is just crap, always the same issue: "Can't Install, Installation package not found".

algis87 2012-07-22 15:12

Re: [Announce] WifiTrans wifi file transfer for Harmattan
How do I upload files to n9?

harry_e20000 2012-07-22 16:00

Re: [Announce] WifiTrans wifi file transfer for Harmattan
an n900 version will be nice......

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