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rcolistete 2012-08-05 02:21

[Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Easy Debian is now packaged to MeeGo Harmattan. It follows Qole (Alan Bruce) previous work : Chroot Scripts for Harmattan Open Mode (where there was a manual "Easy" Debian installation for MeeGo Harmattan), Easy Debian for Fremantle (Maemo 5), Easy Debian for Diablo (Maemo 4) and Easy Debian for Maemo. See also the Easy Debian Wiki. Those links provide a lot of information about Easy Debian images, configuration, etc, being shared between MeeGo and Maemo.

What is Easy Debian Harmattan ?
It is an easy way to run Debian (armel) inside MeeGo Harmattan (without rebooting and dual boot) by chrooting a Debian image file. Full desktop Debian softwares are available : LXDE (desktop environment), OpenOffice, GIMP (image editor), Java (J2SE), Abiword (text editor), Gnumeric (spreadsheet), Iceweasel / Firefox (with Java and Flash), Icedove / Thunderbird email client, TeXMaker / LaTeX, many programming languages (C/C++, Python, Fortran, Pascal, Ruby, etc), Octave, Scilab, Gnu R, etc. There are approx. 29,000 Debian packages, but not all work on ARM and Nokia N9/N950 (due to chrooting limitations, ARMEL type, etc). Search for Debian packages here.
Easy Debian Harmattan needs PR1.2 / PR1.3 and works with :
- any MeeGo virtual keyboard (thanks to Javispedro xmimd work) when using LXDE, they are translucent except Swype;
- Bluetooth keyboard (with or not btinput from Nokia Store to pair it with your Nokia N9/N950) and Nokia N950's physical keyboard.
OpenOffice 3.2.1 Writer opens in approx. 10 s !
Typing with the new translucent vkb on Nokia N9 !

Download & Installation :
For using Open Mode Kernel instead of Inception, see post #154.
A) Easier installation :
Install Inception, see item B-1.
Use MeeCatalog (available from Nokia Store), enable the "Harmattan Share Repo" (from rzr), update, update. Then search for "easy-deb-chroot" and install version 1.1.0.
B) Manual installation:
The installation has more steps and dependencies because MeeGo Harmattan is more locked than Maemo 4/5 :
1) Inception + opensh + aegisctl, even if Harmattan open mode kernel is already installed.
If you want, download Inception+opensh+aegisctl together here ( zipped file).
Unzip the .deb files to some directory (e.g., "/home/user") in your Nokia N9/N950.
Install "inception_0.2.5_armel.deb" by tapping with a file manager or with "# dpkg -i inception_0.2.5_armel.deb" as root in X-Terminal.
Then type in X-Terminal as user :
$ devel-su -c /usr/sbin/pasiv
type the root password (default is rootme), then confirm with yes. Then, as user or root :
$ /usr/sbin/incept aegisctl_1.3_armel.deb
type the root password,
$ /usr/sbin/incept opensh_1.00_armel.deb
confirming again the root password.
2) "Easy Chroot" v0.2 (install this new version) for MeeGo Harmattan, follow the downloading & installing section. I.e., download easy-chroot_0.2.0-1harmattan1_armel.deb and install it in your Nokia N9/N950 by tapping it with a file manager.
3) Javispedro solution for using MeeGo virtual keyboard (vkb), now the v1.2 is translucent and works with PR1.2/PR1.3. Download the new xmimd_1.2_armel.deb package to some folder (e.g., "/home/user/") in your Nokia N9/N950 and install it using the X-Terminal :
$ devel-su
type the root password, then :
# cd ~user
# dpkg -i xmimd_1.2_armel.deb
4) download Easy Debian Harmattan : easy-deb-chroot_1.1.0-1harmattan1_armel.deb. Transfer it to some folder (e.g., "/home/user/") in your Nokia N9/N950 and install it by tapping with a file manager, or by typing "dpkg -i easy-deb-chroot_1.1.0-1harmattan1_armel.deb" as root in X-Terminal.
Easy Debian has 20 icons, the last ones are Icedove, gFTP, TeXMaker and wxMaxima.

Choosing a Debian image :
Easy Debian needs a Debian image (ext2 or ext3 type) in "/home/user/MyDocs" and named "debian*.img*". You need 3GB (or more) available on "MyDocs" partition.
1) Choose a Debian image :
There are some options of Debian images, see their detailed description in post #137.
It's recommended to use the most stable image where all Easy Debian icons work, it is a scientific version of Qole's default Easy Debian image, debian-m5-v3e-Sci-2GB.img.ext2.lzma (04/08/2012, 486 MB of download, 2GB after uncompressing, 176 MB available inside it). If downloaded before 04/08/2012, please download it again as it was updated. Copy it to "/home/user/MyDocs/" then, as user in Terminal :
$ cd ~/MyDocs
$ xz -d debian-m5-v3e-Sci-2GB.img.ext2.lzma
It takes 5 minutes to uncompress. Like the Qole's default image (debian-m5-v3e.img.ext), it has : OpenOffice, Iceweasel / Firefox (with Java and Flash), Icedove / Thunderbird, GIMP, Evince (reads PDF, PS and DVI), Leafpad text editor, Synaptic package manager, PC Man file manager, Open Java, Python 2.6.6, sound support & tools.
There are many additional softwares installed, mainly about programming and science :
Abiword, Gnumeric, Geany and gedit programming text editors, gFTP, TeXMaker / TeX, Maxima / wxMaxima and Yacas CAS (Computer Algebra System), Python tools (IPython, NumPy, MatPlotLib, Sympy, etc), gcc/g++ 4.4.5, make, dpkg-dev, etc.
2) Before first use of an Debian image, tap the icon "FixDebImg" to make the image compatible with Easy Debian Harmattan.
3) See FAQ #7 about the virtual keyboard.
wxMaxima showing MeeGo translucent virtual keyboard (vkb), which only works inside LXDE.

Using Easy Debian Harmattan :
1) Using icons and graphical user interface (inside & outside LXDE) :
Just tap the "Debian LXDE" icon to start the LXDE desktop, which only works in landscape, tap the menu (lower left or upper left) to view the menu with a lot of softwares. To exit, just tap "Logout" twice.
The "LXDE opVKB" opens LXDE with opaque virtual keyboard (if it is translucent after using "Debian LXDE", just open some MeeGo application with text entry).
The "LXDE noVKB" has no virtual keyboard, useful for external Bluetooth keyboard use.
Or launch individual softwares without LXDE, they will be full screen (takes some seconds) but the MeeGo vkb doesn't work outside LXDE.
Tap "Close Debian" if Debian is not to be used and before (re)moving the Debian image.
2) Using command line interface (don't use "FingerTerm" because it is incompatible with qchroot of Easy Chroot). Tap the "Debian Chroot" icon to open the prompt as root in Debian :
[root@m5v3e: /]
Typing "su user" switches to user inside Debian :
The same can be made inside a X Terminal and typing (as user or root in MeeGo) :
$ opensh
$ ariadne sh
then (only 1st time after boot) :
# /usr/sbin/aegisctl -s
and finally :
# debian
Easy Debian terminal after tapping the "Debian Chroot" icon.


To-do / wish list for the Easy Debian Harmattan community :
- make ROXTerminal work on debian-m5-v3e.img.ext2 image;
- make Easy Debian Harmattan more like Easy Debian for Maemo, i.e., with user interface to download and uncompress images, more configuration files for LXDE, etc;
- test network printing tools.


Easy Debian (MeeGo Harmattan version) FAQ :

1) How Easy Debian Harmattan compares with Maemo version ?
Maemo version is a lot more polished, with user interface to download and uncompress images, more configuration files for LXDE, better keyboard support, etc. Also, Nokia N9/N950 capacitive touch screen (without stylus) and N9 lack of physical keyboard make the GUI of Easy Debian Harmattan more difficult to use.
Advantages of Harmattan version :
- faster, faster, faster ! About 10s to open OpenOffice on N9 x 1 minute on N900, hey, it is faster than some desktop and notebook PC's !
- the CPU @ 1 GHz and 1GB RAM of N9/N950 are a lot better than N900's @ 600 MHz & 256 MB RAM, so N900 reboots under heavy CPU load from Easy Debian aren't seen in N9/N950;
- native virtual keyboard in LXDE;
- it is the only option to edit Office documents.

2) How can I remove unused icons from Easy Debian ?
As root ("devel-su" or "ariadne sh" or "opensh" inside X Terminal) :
# ls -l /usr/share/applications/*debian*
will show .desktops files linked to /opt/easy-deb-chroot/. To remove (e.g., Geany) :
# rm -f /usr/share/applications/geany-debian.desktop
To put the icon visible again, e.g. :
# ln -s /opt/easy-deb-chroot/geany-debian.desktop /usr/share/applications/geany-debian.desktop

3) How do I install/remove softwares in Easy Debian ?
See the Easy Debian Wiki.
GUI way :
Use Synaptic. In some images, be careful with squeeze repositories, some softwares don't install with them enabled. And only some softwares can install using sid.
Command line way, inside Debian, to search, install and remove :
[root@m5v3e: /] apt-cache search <word>
[root@m5v3e: /] apt-get install --no-install-recommends <package-name>
[root@m5v3e: /] apt-get remove <package-name>
DO NOT apply "apt-get upgrade"/"apt-get dist-upgrade" because it will problably damage the Debian image. Prefer to use a new one.

4) Reserved.

5) Why use Inception "opensh" as dependency if "ariadne" command is available in Inception > 0.2.0 ?
"opensh" doesn't need root password and can run more than one command at once. So "opensh" made the Easy Debian scripts simpler or even possible.
"opensh" is unsafe as "root" (without password) is on Maemo 5.
opensh_1.00 is also compatible with Inception 0.2.x.

6) The scripts are the same from qole's HarmChom ?
Part of HarmChom scripts are inside "Easy Chroot" Harmattan package, another part is inside Easy Debian Harmattan package. They were a little bit modified to take into account different pathnames in MeeGo Harmattan and to support Javispedro's xmimd.
I've also added some additional scrips to support xmimd and full screen when not using LXDE.

7) Why only some keys of the virtual keyboard work ?
* Disable the MeeGo option "Settings->Time and language->Text input->Error correction" so all softwares inside LXDE will show text as its typed with the virtual keyboard.
* The languages in Debian and MeeGo should be the same.
In Debian terminal as root :
[root@m5v3e: /] dpkg-reconfigure locales
then choose the language (UTF-8 variant) to be the same used by MeeGo.
Test if MeeGo locale is the same of Debian locale.
In MeeGo X Terminal :
$ locale
In Debian Terminal :
[root@m5v3e: /] locale
and compare the outputs, they should be the same. If not, change the Debian locale or the MeeGo system language (e.g., both in en_US).

8) Who are the authors and license of Easy Debian ?
Main author is Qole, since 2008 days. I (rcolistete) am only a maintainer of Easy Debian Harmattan package.
It is licensed under GPL v3.

9) Where is the source code ?
Current release : easy-deb-chroot_1.1.0.tar.gz. I will upload it to GitHub and announce here.
Use Harmattan SDK (scratchbox) to create a .deb with "dpkg-buildpackage -sa -d -rfakeroot".

10) Change log of easy-deb-chroot for Harmattan ?
* 1.1.0 (19/08/2012) : translucent virtual keyboard, "FixDebImg" icon, new LXDE icons, etc;
* 1.0.4 (06/08/2012) : added (again...) missing scripts xephwm and suxephwm needed on Debian images;
* 1.0.3 (06/08/2012) : changed general appearance and icons to open individual applications as user;
* 1.0.2 (05/08/2012) : added missing scripts xephwm and suxephwm needed on Debian images;
* 1.0.1 (05/08/2012) : fixes for LXDE using MeeGo virtual keyboard and TMP mount on debian script;
* 1.0.0 (04/08/2012) : first version for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan.
It is also inside the source code.

DrSteve 2012-08-05 02:29

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
Congratulations, guys. I know a lot of people have been waiting for this!

thedead1440 2012-08-05 02:42

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
hi with pr1.3 we have ariadnesh not opensh anymore so will it still work if the dependcies are towards opensh?
also why cant exporting the origin to replace the need for ariadnesh/inception?


rcolistete 2012-08-05 05:51

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1247608)
hi with pr1.3 we have ariadnesh not opensh anymore so will it still work if the dependcies are towards opensh?
also why cant exporting the origin to replace the need for ariadnesh/inception?

See the FAQs. For Inception users, I've only succeded creating the icon launchers and easy-deb-chroot package by using opensh. Anyway, the source code is available to anyone try your suggestions, this is the community spirit.

I hope to received a 2nd Nokia N9 in the following weeks. It will be configured with Harmattan open mode kernel so I will be able to test for the case without Inception.

Dousan 2012-08-05 11:45

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
Awesome work guys bringing this to the N9.

At the moment I won't be joining this adventure as the N9 is my main phone and don't fancy flashing to often.

I'll be relying on my trusted N900 for these kind if things untill maybe fall where I plan on getting an iPhone 5 and then the N9 can be my new geek toy, so reflash won't be urgent as it won't be my main phone ;)

Anyway great job :D

Regards Dousan...

godofwar424 2012-08-05 14:19

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
Using qole's image, I can't open LXDE :( 2012-08-05 14:27

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
why using armel when you can use armhf

for ubuntu geeks that one could be used through nfs :

Kabouik 2012-08-05 14:40

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
Rcolistete, you just rock. Thanks for all those efforts, and of course, thanks to Qole too. This is really great.

HtheB 2012-08-05 15:01

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
Thank you all!
Just what I was missing for Harmattan :)
Now we need usb host mode and were done I guess...

rcolistete 2012-08-05 15:14

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by godofwar424 (Post 1247774)
Using qole's image, I can't open LXDE :(

"Debian Chroot" icon works like the screenshot ?

Use v1.0.2 and be sure to "Harmattanize" the image before, i.e., make the file copy in Debian terminal :
[root@m5v3e: ~] cp ~/.debian/usr/bin/* /usr/bin/

Then run in MeeGo terminal :
$ /bin/opensh -c "/usr/sbin/aegisctl -s; debian;
Place the output here if it doesn't open LXDE.

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