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powderhousemessage 2012-08-06 23:14

Nuvofre a Hildon theme (Extra-testing) a white theme yay!
Hi all

iv just found a really cool white theme in extra-Testing called
Nuvofre theme build is 1.06

i cant see a thread for it. don't know if its new or not:confused:

just a few things need tweaking

some of the writing is in white such as conversations and phone log cant see the people names and also in when emails and text come through also has a very faint pink can't see anything!

the default RSS widget is messed up with not a full white widget although widget opacity on 0 seems to help in theme customizer

apart from that icons are great and every thing seems to be working well :)


1. allround with one font /readable color ( colors seem to be black nokia sans, a very light peach, white and bold black and white( for widgets)

2. white conversation to go with (it when you reply to or start a new sms please!) disliking the black i'll settle for a light grey even:p

3. a new lock screen something to go with the theme


powderhousemessage 2012-08-07 13:27

Re: Nuvofre a Hildon theme (Extra-testing) a white theme yay!

found this morning call log and messages are fine now in black and readable :)

but music player play pause and next cant see and also shuffle seems to light up in blue when pressed but not visible if not

also rss feed when click into it unreadable as in white
hope its updated soon

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