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[N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Disclaimer I am not the developer of this application. As Sviox was not a registered TMO user i wanted to share/announce his promising work here. Now he joined TMO.
Hydra Widget Platform From Ovi store description: Hydra widget platform allows MeeGo users to run locally installable web applications (i.e. widgets) created for mobile platforms. Currently it supports widgets created for Tizen, Opera and Symbian platforms, as well as generic W3C widgets. Comes with a few bundled example widgets. Hydra is powered by Apache Cordova and supports many additional features such as installing widgets directly from the device's browser, support for widget update discovery and partial compatibility with WAC APIs. Changelog v1.3 -- 30.10.2012 *Implemented support for Cordova 2.1.0 core and plugins (excluding file and contacts API) *Fixed Cordova Camera plugin to work with DATA_URI destination type *Fixed Cordova Acceleration plugin to return timestamp in ms instead of micro seconds *Implemented simple caching support for wiget preferences to preserve IO *Implemented support for widget.onExit event *Changed application name *Improved widget update support by no longer 'downloading' local update description files *Added system notification for discovered widget updates *Added support to enable fullscreen mode via preference 'fullscreen' with value 'true' *Added support to control orientation via preference 'orientation' *Changed default view-mode (i.e. 'maximized') to no longer show application toolbar *Widget information dialog now shows if widget update is supported *Rewrote geolocation handling *Fixed some vertically pannable widgets allowing slight horizontal pan *Improved GMaps widget with Street View and Places search support as well us graphical presentation of location accuracy *Fixed Feature Demo Geolocation page getting stuck *Updated Feature Demo widget with Cordova examples *Added vibration support for StopWatch widget Changelog v1.1.0 * Refactored architecture so that each widget is ran on it's on process * Implemented support for WAC Webview API * System's 'application not responding' dialog should now have correct widget name in case JavaScript is taking too long to execute * Improved responsiveness during JavaScript-heavy operations by processing event loop * Fixed upgrading a widget with version in format x.y to x.y.z to be considered a newer version if x, y and z are numbers * Fixed uninstalling a widget not cleaning up any included hidden files * Fixed links that use _blank as target * Implemented error page for URLs that couldn't be fetched Screenshots http://dl.dropbox.com/u/73783334/Pic..._runtime01.png http://dl.dropbox.com/u/73783334/Pic..._runtime02.png Installation You can install the app from http://store.ovi.com/content/302071 resp. http://store.ovi.mobi/content/302071 from your N9. Support Webpage / Blog Sviox's blog contains some useful information how to run Tizen widgets etc. Some Widget Ressource |
Re: [N9] HTML5 Widget Manager / Widget Runtime BETA from Sviox
cool sh*t :)
Re: [N9] HTML5 Widget Manager / Widget Runtime BETA from Sviox
i dont get it could someone explain?
Re: [N9] HTML5 Widget Manager / Widget Runtime BETA from Sviox
Re: [N9] HTML5 Widget Manager / Widget Runtime BETA from Sviox
Well well, good to see there are others interested in widgets and creating runtimes besides just me :)
In case your interested, my Widget Runtime is not based on anything other than Qt's webkit and MeeGo Touch Framework. I've been working on it since October 2011 and thought it would be about time to publish something (hence the BETA). I also considered naming it something along the lines of "CiTizen Mee" but in the end thought that it wouldn't be very appealing to the masses and besides I'm also supporting Opera widgets and Symbian widgets so it wouldn't have been very fitting :P As for future developement/roadmap, I'm right now working on separating widgets to run on their own processes (after that one crash shouldn't kill all windows) and also trying to create some sort of plugin API for extending support to new standards and JS APIs. Also, I would want to create support for Symbian WRT platform services and WAC2.x platform services at some point. |
Re: [N9] HTML5 Widget Manager / Widget Runtime BETA from Sviox
Sviox, i tried to run google maps widget but it doesn't work - it shows only plain white window and nothing else. Does it only work with GPS enabled?
Re: [N9] HTML5 Widget Manager / Widget Runtime BETA from Sviox
Re: [N9] HTML5 Widget Manager / Widget Runtime BETA from Sviox
This is just great - would it also be able to support google chrome widgets in the future?
Re: [N9] HTML5 Widget Manager / Widget Runtime BETA from Sviox
Hi BluesLee,
I love the idea behind this app, There are some bugs I noticed though. Such as when you try to rotate the screen some apps graphics mess up. And sometimes apps won't show properly in portrait. Is there a way to detect what type of app it is and lock it its orientation? Vromoth |
Re: [N9] HTML5 Widget Manager / Widget Runtime BETA from Sviox
as indicated in the initial post i am not the developer of this app which is in BETA stage;-) Nevertheless, according to Sviox's blog you can unzip your example widget, modify the corresponding config file, zip it back and run it on your N9. For Tizen widgets you would need to modify config.xml Code:
<feature name="http://wacapps.net/api/viewport"> |
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