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MINKIN2 2012-08-26 01:10

Google search redirect notice?
OK google is doing my head in... Someone must have flipped a switch somewhere?

I appear to be seeing a lot of redirect notices when I am searching through google, has anyone else been having these?

I have tried different searches on various PCs and mobile devices (Home laptop, works PC N9 & TouchPad) and still getting them across all systems.

This is becoming really annoying now. Has anyone else had this problem?

jd4200 2012-08-26 06:25

Re: Google search redirect notice?
Do you mean the brief blue redirect text link at the top left?
If so, NoScript causes that for me.

sixwheeledbeast 2012-08-26 07:28

Re: Google search redirect notice?

Originally Posted by MINKIN2 (Post 1255735)
OK google is doing my head in...

Google has been doing my head in for a while, use something else.
Since I have started using DuckDuckGo and find that I get better search results.

To solve your google problem you maybe better posting a screenshot.

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