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snubmoggy 2012-08-26 18:37

N9 System Sounds?

I still use my N900 but don't have an N9 (yet!).

I really like the default ringtones/system sounds that come with the N900 but would like some new ones!

I wondered if anyone had uploaded the stock N9 system sounds/ringtones and if so, I could then copy them to my N900?

Thanks in advance!

(sorry if this has been done elsewhere - couldn't find it in a search)

MINKIN2 2012-08-26 19:33

Re: N9 System Sounds?
Have you checked the ovi store for thier Nokia 2011/2012 ringtones?

As for the system sounds, there might be a legality issue of redistributing them by the general public with certain sounds? (not sure myself tbh)

I know that if it was myself who was looking for them though, I would download the firmware image and extract them ;)

snubmoggy 2012-08-27 16:37

Re: N9 System Sounds?

Originally Posted by MINKIN2 (Post 1255988)
Have you checked the ovi store for thier Nokia 2011/2012 ringtones?

As for the system sounds, there might be a legality issue of redistributing them by the general public with certain sounds? (not sure myself tbh)

I know that if it was myself who was looking for them though, I would download the firmware image and extract them ;)

Thanks. Not a bad idea that - where can I download a copy of the N9 image to extract?

I am fairly sure it would be ok if someone uploaded the N9 ringtones/SMS messages etc - seen it done before with N900 and N8 before (for example)


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