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marmistrz 2012-09-09 13:59

[Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

I'd like to announce my brand new app, User Agent Tool.

Why is it better than Hide User Agent? Because it has a lot of presets. You can pretend to be an iPhone, a Galaxy S3 or Nokia Lumia 800. Some browser agents are included too!

What is an user agent? It's a string which tells the website which kind of device/browser are you. And this way you can easily fool the server!

Would you like to have an user agent included? Just let me know about it! Any feedback is appreciated!

Download: User Agent Tool in an application manager or

# apt-get install useragenttool

Special thanks:
  • sifo - for creating the icon

If you want to support this project, you can DONATE
If you can't donate but you want to support this project, please contact me.

dumpystig 2012-09-09 14:48

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Sounds more than good to me :)

nicholes 2012-09-09 15:09

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent
glade to hear announce for maemo(still rocks)


marmistrz 2012-09-09 15:17

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent
I've just uploaded a small bugfix update

imo 2012-09-09 15:37

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent
thanks buddy , always needed something like that .

Tiran 2012-09-09 15:40

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent
marmistrz, Many thanks for the program! Please load into the first message pair of screenshots.

STVN 2012-09-09 15:51

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent
Black screen here. What could be that?

marmistrz 2012-09-09 16:02

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by STVN (Post 1263719)
Black screen here. What could be that?

Can you post the log?

sifo 2012-09-09 16:10

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent
Thanks marmistrz :)
one question : this tool works with all browsers or just microB ?


marmistrz 2012-09-09 16:11

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by sifo (Post 1263726)
Thanks marmistrz :)
one question : this tool works with all browsers or just microB ?


microB only

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