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paoletto 2012-09-26 17:10

[ANNOUNCE] batteryp - yet another battery pct icon
So, today i was desperate coz of the battery drainage in PR1.3, and i deceided to remove battery usage, which always uses some cpu, in the hope this would improve something.

But then i was alone in the dark wrt. battery percentage.
I didnt want to use the battery pct live icon, coz it also has a daemon, and i havent yet got the guts to install unrestricted-ui or similar.

So i just created a very stupid app, that updates its icon with current battery percentage when you tap it.
Icon graphics sucks hard, but i just needed it, and needed it fast.
Maybe i'll spend some time to beautify it.. maybe :)

so, link to dl: HERE

ps: if you want some kind of auto-refresh, you can install cron from rZr repo, and run the app with the interval you want

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