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Amer Bawab 2012-09-30 14:05

Missing package
I am from Syria and I can not use nokia servers
I need libgles1-sgx-img package to install preenv
could anybody download the package for me please

Amer Bawab 2012-09-30 14:30

Re: Missing package
I have found it

sifo 2012-09-30 15:55

Re: Missing package
Hello Amer...
you may want to remove the download link because what you did is illegal in this forum, you posted a mirror for a closed package and coded by Nokia ! :p.
So watch the copyrights ;)

Edit : forgot to say what i must ! please search before asking / posting a thread


bobsponge 2012-12-13 16:18

Re: Missing package
hi dears,,,
my package have missing python2.5-qt4-experimental-core,python2.5-qt4-experimental-common,python2.5-qt4-experimental-xml,python2.5-qt4-experimental-gui........
i installed them deb files ,but my problems didnt solved....and the handsoff app in extras-devel cant to install it for this above missing....
faster app manager had error your system are brocken packages or ....

:confused:..i updated the catalog 17 times ...but this problems didnt solved...............
please help me......

thank you

Sourav.dubey 2012-12-13 16:27

Re: Missing package
Try these in xterminal
apt-get update
apt-get -f install

bobsponge 2012-12-13 16:33

Re: Missing package
thank u..but i did it before ...dosnt work for me....
it say 0newly installed ,handsoff will removed,0 not upgraded in x-terminal........
please help eficently

thedead1440 2012-12-13 16:36

Re: Missing package
apt-get purge handsoff

install the missing dependencies then install handsoff...

bobsponge 2012-12-13 16:46

Re: Missing package
my dear,,,,,this way not eficent and dosent work
i am not new user .....i work in other maemo sites.....but this problems are very confuser ,,,,,,,,,,,i install dependencies but handsoff cant install for this packages missing in app manager and faster app manager and their deb files,,,,but this problems didnt solved
my packeges are brocken can i solve it????
thank u very much

thedead1440 2012-12-13 16:57

Re: Missing package
if its not efficient and you are not a new user the you should know rule no. 1 when asking for help is to post logs!

You give crumbs for information and expect help? Get real!

bobsponge 2012-12-13 18:03

Re: Missing package
crumbs???????? h e h e he :p:p:D:D
if u are strong user u should find out my notes,,,,,,,,u havent see this missing never ,,,,,and i am not expect u to answer me.....i ask the experience user.......have goodnight:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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