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Kroll 2012-09-30 22:29

N9 hiden maps
I have 16gb N9 and after my 16+2gb n810 I am not very happy of having 9 gb storage for media. So I want to know how every megabyte of storage is being used.
I have downloaded only a few maps (North-West Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia maps in my Nokia Maps app list) but also I have, for example, small-scale Kiev (Ukraine) map with streets, which I have never downloaded and it is not shown in maps list.
How can I remove maps which I do not use? I can save about 1 GB of space...
I tried Nokia Suite for N9 but it says it does not support maps on Nokia N9.

Bob_B 2012-09-30 23:59

Re: N9 hiden maps
I seem to recall that my N9 had every language turn by turn voice file on it standard. I removed them via my PC with Windows Explorer I think.
Sorry to be vague but it was a long time ago but I do recall it took a long time to delete them.

PhatApteryx 2012-10-01 00:38

Re: N9 hiden maps

Originally Posted by Kroll (Post 1274527)
I have 16gb N9 and after my 16+2gb n810 I am not very happy of having 9 gb storage for media. So I want to know how every megabyte of storage is being used.
I have downloaded only a few maps (North-West Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia maps in my Nokia Maps app list) but also I have, for example, small-scale Kiev (Ukraine) map with streets, which I have never downloaded and it is not shown in maps list.
How can I remove maps which I do not use? I can save about 1 GB of space...
I tried Nokia Suite for N9 but it says it does not support maps on Nokia N9.

Nokia Suite supported N9 & maps from the 3.5.betas onwards as far as i know... in any case, i use 3.6.11 to manage maps & voice files, connected via Bluetooth normally.

flopjoke 2012-10-01 01:58

Re: N9 hiden maps
go to /home/user/MyDocs/cities and delete everything. Then download only the map data you want again. This way, you'll know exactly how much space is being used and where.

alternatively, you can go to manage maps in settings from Maps app, and click delete all map data. Then download it one by one again.

it's a long shot, but you save much more space in your phone this way.

coderus 2012-10-01 05:42

Re: N9 hiden maps
when maps "online" it downloading map data from web.

Kroll 2012-10-01 07:28

Re: N9 hiden maps

I seem to recall that my N9 had every language turn by turn voice file on it standard
I have deleted them long time ago.


Nokia Suite supported N9 & maps from the 3.5.betas onwards as far as i know... in any case, i use 3.6.11 to manage maps & voice files, connected via Bluetooth normally.
I use 3.6.11 too. It does not support it. Maybe I do something wrong...


go to /home/user/MyDocs/cities and delete everything.
I did it when I reflashed device completely.


when maps "online" it downloading map data from web.
I was offline.

I think i will delete and download maps again, maybe I missed something...

Kroll 2012-10-01 07:52

Re: N9 hiden maps
Well looks like I have only additional Ukraine map.

Nokia Suite says that it can't find maps on the device :(

PhatApteryx 2012-10-01 08:33

Re: N9 hiden maps
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Kroll (Post 1274658)
Well looks like I have only additional Ukraine map.

Nokia Suite says that it can't find maps on the device :(

Well, not sure what might be different but this is what i see with 3.6.11 when browsing maps on my N9... Connected by Bluetooth

Kroll 2012-10-01 13:11

Re: N9 hiden maps

Originally Posted by PhatApteryx (Post 1274673)
Well, not sure what might be different but this is what i see with 3.6.11 when browsing maps on my N9... Connected by Bluetooth

And N9 is in synchronization mode?

I use wire connection and set synchronization mode on phone, but 3.6.11 does not see any maps (and music, massages and so). Maybe my antivirus program block connection.,,
Thanks anyway.

PhatApteryx 2012-10-01 13:44

Re: N9 hiden maps
Synchronisation mode? I just do the default for Bluetooth (is there a choice?), but if i did use USB, setting Sync and Connect works for maps...

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