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ajalkane 2012-10-10 08:01

Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work
The original is in finnish and includes information anonymously from people who worked on it in Nokia. Here's translation:

And here's the original:

OVK 2012-10-10 12:30

[Article] Story of Nokia's MeeGo
Finnish tech site Taskumuro published today a long article about what went wrong with Maemo/MeeGo inside Nokia. It is in general well written and has a lot of insider information from anonymous (ex-)Nokia developers who worked for OSSO/Maemo/MeeGo.

Most of the story is already known, at least if you have been following this scene earlier. However, I think that this is so far the best article to collect all the facts to one place. And also the chapter about technical difficulties with different chipset/modem configurations is new information, at least for me.

The original article (in Finnish) can be found here:

English translation will be published later but you can already see some parts of the article translated here:

EDIT: Seems like there already was a thread about this:

Sorry for doubleposting it, should have checked this more carefully before posting.

szymeczek34 2012-10-10 14:35

Re: [Article] Story of Nokia's MeeGo
Great finding.

OVK 2012-10-10 14:43

Re: [Article] Story of Nokia's MeeGo
Some Elop fanboys (Lumiaman?) seem to be sabotaging the crowdsourced English translation.

Well, translation will come out eventually...

Eztran 2012-10-10 14:44

Re: Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work
Even having read it through a translator, that article looks really well-researched and written. Worth a read.

lma 2012-10-10 15:40

Re: Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work
Wow... a phone N810? Glad we were spared that disaster at least!

HELLASISGREECE 2012-10-10 16:00

Re: Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work
before the symbian-wp civil war there was the symbian-maemo civil war.

how does it feel now Symbian? you got ***ed by wp the same way you ***ed maemo

tissot 2012-10-10 16:34

Re: [Article] Story of Nokia's MeeGo
Wow, pretty much all of the rumors "confirmed".
Superb reading if you have been following the harmattan space closely since 2009.

Though i'm not sure why "Lumiaman" would be sabotaging the translation. it doesn't actually paint all that good picture of Maemo team.
Delays after delays and projects scrapped time after time. Elop just steps in at the very end to shut it down after Nokia had hit hard times with OPK in the main seat.

It's also speculated on the article that N9 might not have ever came to the market if it wasn't the rush that the strategy change made inside.

chenliangchen 2012-10-10 16:40

Re: [Article] Story of Nokia's MeeGo

Dali was published market N9-00 model name. However, it was decided to cancel the release, because it was thought to be out of date when it would arrive in the sale. The phone came to be produced in large amounts (92 000), so Dali N9 was finally released in conjunction with the developers in June 2011 directed N950 device model name.
This doesn't make sence to me - Since Nokia has already produced so many N950s, why not just sell it? They don't want to make profit?
I feel samsung and htc sell a lot outdated cr@ps and people buy them!

Whether it outdated or not doesn't depend on their market team, let customer decide it!! The N900 is 3 years old but is NOT outdated. Shame! :(

tissot 2012-10-10 16:46

Re: Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work

Originally Posted by HELLASISGREECE (Post 1278873)
before the symbian-wp civil war there was the symbian-maemo civil war.

how does it feel now Symbian? you got ***ed by wp the same way you ***ed maemo

Yeah the Symbian civil war was clear to even us Maemo fans back in 2010, it must have been some serious power struggle inside.
Something that OPK clearly was not the man to end.

Those tablets sound amazing. Intel based tablet, Nokia ARM (U8500) tablet with vanilla MeeGo and lastly N9 designed MeeGo tabet. All 3 where in the prototype phase.

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