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richard_chaaya2 2012-10-12 00:27

N900 USB issue
Hey all, it's been a while! Well that probably has to do with the fact that I bought a Nokia Lumia 710 (cool phone by the way). Anyways, I have been putting this off for a while because of a busy schedule. This is my 9th N900, 9? Yes 9th. And I know that it is still the best phone for an advanced user out there. Anyways, let's get to the point.
The phone stopped charging, when plugged it, but I noticed that if I push it in hard enough, it charges fine except I have to keep the charger pushed in and I can't let it go. So I took it apart and I do not see anything abnormal. My question is, has anybody seen such behavior? Is it possible to replace the usb port? How can I better troubleshoot the issue? Thanks a lot community, you never let me down :)

rodald 2012-10-12 03:01

Re: N900 USB issue
I went thru the same problem just two days ago, i had to get the usb port replaced just yesterday, the problem was fixed but now i am getting random reboots I guess i will have to flash to fix it.

You can find all the info you need here

btw mine didnt seemed abnormal either until the port was taken off, the problem was on the soldering underneath it.

reinob 2012-10-12 07:54

Re: N900 USB issue

Originally Posted by richard_chaaya2 (Post 1279525)
Hey all, it's been a while! Well that probably has to do with the fact that I bought a Nokia Lumia 710 (cool phone by the way). Anyways, I have been putting this off for a while because of a busy schedule. This is my 9th N900, 9? Yes 9th. And I know that it is still the best phone for an advanced user out there. Anyways, let's get to the point.
The phone stopped charging, when plugged it, but I noticed that if I push it in hard enough, it charges fine except I have to keep the charger pushed in and I can't let it go. So I took it apart and I do not see anything abnormal. My question is, has anybody seen such behavior? Is it possible to replace the usb port? How can I better troubleshoot the issue? Thanks a lot community, you never let me down :)

Really? are you serious? This is your NINTH N900, the community here "never let you down" and you haven't heard of the single biggest most annoying hardware design failure of the N900?

No. Clearly you're not serious.

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