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Leinad 2012-10-19 22:41

No more mixed up conversations
I had to delete my conversations every 2 weeks, because they got "mixed up". People who got the same problem know what i mean...

I realized, it is always after getting messages from some people, that messages get mixed up, so what whas special about that contacts?

They had numbers that were also given to other contacts, same landline. This does not mean, the message did come from that "double-number".

I cleared those numbers up, and this seems to solve the problem for me (until now). Can someone confirm (or disprove) this?

Maybe there are other reasons too, but seems to be at least one of them...

loxionworld 2012-10-21 22:59

Re: No more mixed up conversations
I have/had a similar problem 1ns in a while. mayb it cld b that when i sync my contacts then some of them gets re-copied twice but i havent noticed anything yet similar. but thanx tho ill check it out

mikecomputing 2012-10-22 01:04

Re: No more mixed up conversations

Originally Posted by Leinad (Post 1282760)
I had to delete my conversations every 2 weeks, because they got "mixed up". People who got the same problem know what i mean...

I realized, it is always after getting messages from some people, that messages get mixed up, so what whas special about that contacts?

They had numbers that were also given to other contacts, same landline. This does not mean, the message did come from that "double-number".

I cleared those numbers up, and this seems to solve the problem for me (until now). Can someone confirm (or disprove) this?

Maybe there are other reasons too, but seems to be at least one of them...

report this back in old report in bugzilla to too see if other with this problem can use your tip..

Leinad 2012-10-23 17:08

Re: No more mixed up conversations

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1283629)
report this back in old report in bugzilla to too see if other with this problem can use your tip..

You mean here i guess:

I will observe this for some more time, before i report it there. And it would be good to have more impressions, if it is the reason or one of the reasons for the problem... i hope for some more reports.

some time later: worked for a while, but they mixed up again, maybe placebo in the first place... will investigate further.

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