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kai_en 2012-10-21 11:51

KSWAP, what's that? It's taking too much processing power
I noticed this process takes very high processing power especially when I didn't reboot my phone for few days. It renders my phone unusable. Anyone experience the same thing?

mbanck 2012-10-21 13:42

Re: KSWAP, what's that? It's taking too much processing power

Originally Posted by kai_en (Post 1283348)
I noticed this process takes very high processing power especially when I didn't reboot my phone for few days. It renders my phone unusable. Anyone experience the same thing?

It is the kernel swapping thread, which means due to not enough main memory it is swapping out memory to storage, which is way slower so it bogs down your mobile.

You can't do much about kswap itself (short of hacking the Linux kernel), you should see whether you can terminate memory-hungry processes or do other optimizations so your mobile takes less memory to run.

fignew 2012-10-27 19:26

Re: KSWAP, what's that? It's taking too much processing power
Kswap is using high amounts of CPU because it is using compcache which compresses the memory.

Installing FasterN9 will help with this. (lowering swappiness)

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