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mrk88 2012-10-30 23:40

Portrait mode n900 CSSU
I just installed cssu, got portrait mode, etc. All was working fine. Wallpaper was showing in landscape, then changing in portrait.
I was installing apps, and for no reason now, when I move my phone to portrait mode, icons, everything changes, but the wallpaper disappears and its black

Back to landscape and its all good. Its just in portrait mode, where my wallpaper turns black. Been searching everywhere for an answer, can anyone please help :)


sixwheeledbeast 2012-10-31 07:16

Re: Portrait mode n900 CSSU
Which CSSU Version?
IIRC there can be seperate wallpapers for landscape and portrait.
Having never wanting the separate wallpapers I have no idea how to edit them or switch on/off etc.
You will have to move the icons youself in the portrait UI.

mrk88 2012-10-31 16:58

Re: Portrait mode n900 CSSU
CSSU stable version. The thing is, I didnt do anything really, and the wallpaper just disappeared only on portrait. Is there any way I can turn off portrait mode ?

sixwheeledbeast 2012-10-31 17:00

Re: Portrait mode n900 CSSU

Click on the Features bit

mrk88 2012-10-31 18:32

Re: Portrait mode n900 CSSU
Ahh, shouldve found that. Thanks a lot :)

mrk88 2012-10-31 18:36

Re: Portrait mode n900 CSSU
Just to ask, is there a way to change the lockscreen to landscape, not just being stuck in portrait ?

demolition 2012-10-31 22:31

Re: Portrait mode n900 CSSU

Originally Posted by mrk88 (Post 1288250)
Just to ask, is there a way to change the lockscreen to landscape, not just being stuck in portrait ?

If you want to keep the desktop and all applications as landscape, isn't there a status bar button/icon to lock everything to landscape? If you mean to lock it to portrait, not sure that exists yet. Also, try installing "CSSU Features" programme, if not done already - this might help?

mony123 2013-11-29 14:37

Re: Portrait mode n900 CSSU
i installed the newest version of cssu, the stable one but there is no portrait mode, why so?
can anyone help me please?

pichlo 2013-11-29 15:12

Re: Portrait mode n900 CSSU
Not sure what you mean exactly. Of course CSSU supports portrait mode as long as the applications support it. Hildon desktop definitely does, for a more comprehensive list see It also contains links to forced portrait mode and other useful info.

There is status-area-orientationlock-applet that adds a status menu item that can switch between automatic screen rotation or lock in current orientation.

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