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TDSii 2012-11-11 20:36

Lumia 920 off Contract?
I live outside USA, but all my relatives are in USA. Lumia 920 is something I'm watching for a long time and surely I will buy it.

At&T are selling off contract for $450. But will they work outside USA on other networks? I wish to have a fully unlocked Lumia 920 with very reasonable prices.

Any suggestions?

TheN9er 2012-11-11 20:41

Re: Lumia 920 off Contract?
I believe it is locked to At&t, eventually there will be a way to unlock it. Or if you know someone who has At&t, I would let them buy it and after tell At&t that you are traveling and need to unlock it. It might work. You will only get 3g speeds on it btw.

andraeseus1 2012-11-11 20:53

Re: Lumia 920 off Contract?
i saw some unlocked on ebay. I think you can buy straight from nokia also. not sure about that one though. But I am pretty sure I saw unlocked ones. I don't know if/how it will work outside the usa. You have to find out the frequency bands of your carrier and see if it matches the lumia 920.

TDSii 2012-11-11 21:03

Re: Lumia 920 off Contract?
so what is the reason of having a no-commitment contracts in the first place if it is already locked?

Don't worry not even planning to have 3G. home - office (wifi is enough)

Lumiaman 2012-11-11 22:15

Re: Lumia 920 off Contract?
I know that we can get unlocked to USA from Rogers Canada. I am still unsure if those phones from Canada are pentaband, or only ATT bands. Does anyone know?

andraeseus1 2012-11-12 19:26

Re: Lumia 920 off Contract?

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1293138)
I know that we can get unlocked to USA from Rogers Canada. I am still unsure if those phones from Canada are pentaband, or only ATT bands. Does anyone know?

I know for a fact the developer 920's are penta band. I hear different things about the one's from rogers. head over to wpcentral and check out there forums. I beleive there is a heated discussion still going on abou tthis very same thing. What version of wp8 920 works with what carriers, what bands, rogers vs usa phones, etc. good luck. Push comes to shove just create a account and ask some one in your shoes who actually has one. Your bound to find someone in that forum. good luck.

gerbick 2012-11-12 19:58

Re: Lumia 920 off Contract?
The AT&T version will be locked. The off-contract price does not mean unlocked. They do not sell unlocked phones unless you ask, and even then it will be locked but you have to unlock it with a code or such.

The Lumia 900 I had was unlocked a year later via code - insert SIM and then unlock code.

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