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lancewex 2012-11-13 04:35

N9 with sim, N900 as a bluetooth client?
I have found a couple of very old threads about this, but I am wondering if there is anything newer--and easier. I use an N9 as my phone, but still use the N900 a lot (mostly for music). I'd like to share the N9 data connection with the N900. I am am incredulous that the amazing people here haven't 'fixed' this already. So please tell me there's a relatively easy way to get this to work.

jackburton 2012-11-13 13:01

Re: N9 with sim, N900 as a bluetooth client?
Is the wifi-hotspot an option?

If not, then bluetooth tethering would be the way to go. However, I don't think that is available on the N9. I just won an N950 in the coding competition and my first task is to get this working. However, the SDK website is down so I cannot do this yet.

Ping me back in a couple weeks to see if I've made progress.

lancewex 2012-11-13 13:34

Re: N9 with sim, N900 as a bluetooth client?
The N9 can tether with bluetooth. I have done it with a Playbook and with an Android tablet. The problem is with the N900 and its inability to be a bluetooth client. It only knows how to be the host.

No, wifi hotspot doesn't work for me. (DIsabled in certain countries, I think.)

thedead1440 2012-11-13 13:35

Re: N9 with sim, N900 as a bluetooth client?

Originally Posted by lancewex (Post 1293804)
The N9 can tether with bluetooth. I have done it with a Playbook and with an Android tablet. The problem is with the N900 and its inability to be a bluetooth client. It only knows how to be the host.

No, wifi hotspot doesn't work for me. (DIsabled in certain countries, I think.)

If wifi hotspot doesn't work for you I presume you must be in the US...

Just use N9QTweak Tweak CC to get it activated at every start-up...

lancewex 2012-11-13 16:29

Re: N9 with sim, N900 as a bluetooth client?
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll consider it. Wifi tethering is sure to be a battery drain (more than BT). And that tweak app looks...complicated and full of caveats. So I don't know. I'd really like the N900 to be able to tether as a client.

thedead1440 2012-11-13 16:39

Re: N9 with sim, N900 as a bluetooth client?

Originally Posted by lancewex (Post 1293857)
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll consider it. Wifi tethering is sure to be a battery drain (more than BT). And that tweak app looks...complicated and full of caveats. So I don't know. I'd really like the N900 to be able to tether as a client.

Trust me read the wiki and apply the tweak you are safe...

Caveats have to be added just to make it totally idiot-proof but really that tweak has no caveat AFAIK...

Yes b/t tethering would be more efficient but till its up you can try this in the interim :)

lancewex 2012-11-15 01:43

Re: N9 with sim, N900 as a bluetooth client?
Just as an FYI, here's a link to an old thread that had promise on the BT client issue.

jackburton 2012-11-15 04:25

Re: N9 with sim, N900 as a bluetooth client?

Originally Posted by lancewex (Post 1293804)
The N9 can tether with bluetooth. I have done it with a Playbook and with an Android tablet.

What were the steps you took? Was this DUN or PAN profile? What version of Android? Jelly Bean only supports PAN. Same for iOS with iPad WiFi or iPod Touch.

jackburton 2012-11-15 13:03

Re: N9 with sim, N900 as a bluetooth client?
When I do an

sdptool browse
from my N900 to the N950, I only see DUN. There are no PAN services on the N950.

lancewex 2012-11-15 14:32

Re: N9 with sim, N900 as a bluetooth client?

Originally Posted by jackburton (Post 1294395)
What were the steps you took? Was this DUN or PAN profile? What version of Android? Jelly Bean only supports PAN. Same for iOS with iPad WiFi or iPod Touch.

The Android tablet is 2.2 Android, and Archos--who probably added tethering support. The Playbook worked very easily when I tested one in a store. It's part of the reason I got it. I really don't know what profiles, and I have neither with me right now. Sorry.

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