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mr_ian84 2012-11-22 08:45

Sailfish N900
Do you think this is possible?

Dave999 2012-11-22 08:53

Re: Sailfish N900
Yes, but in what state is harder to answer.

panjgoori 2012-11-22 08:53

Re: Sailfish N900
may be yes, but it is too early for this question.

pycage 2012-11-22 17:42

Re: Sailfish N900
Try Nemo on the N900, see how the poor device struggles to run it, and imagine running even heavier stuff on top of it.
I don't consider it feasible. But it should be able to boot, yes.

stickymick 2012-11-22 18:02

Re: Sailfish N900
I guess someone will have a go, but as Pycage points out, the hardware will struggle, even when overclocked.
Don't think it'll appear in the repos as such, more of a "trash your N900 at your own risk" endeavor.

sunyakram 2012-11-22 18:05

Re: Sailfish N900

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 1297300)
Try Nemo on the N900, see how the poor device struggles to run it, and imagine running even heavier stuff on top of it.
I don't consider it feasible. But it should be able to boot, yes.

right answer cage

adunanzav3x 2012-11-23 14:57

Re: Sailfish N900
In my opinion sailfish will can be run if will optimized for the N900 hardware

freemangordon 2012-11-23 15:20

Re: Sailfish N900

Originally Posted by adunanzav3x (Post 1297569)
In my opinion sailfish will can be run if will optimized for the N900 hardware

Sure, but who will bother to do that? Meh, thumb2 is stable on omap3630, guess whether it is used in Harmattan. I bet it is not used in Sailfish too. By "historical reasons" I guess.

raghavmurali 2012-12-10 12:11

Re: Sailfish N900
Is anyone trying to port one for N900. If nemo can run, why not sailfish?

Hurrian 2012-12-13 05:22

Re: Sailfish N900

Originally Posted by freemangordon
Meh, thumb2 is stable on omap3630, guess whether it is used in Harmattan. I bet it is not used in Sailfish too. By "historical reasons" I guess.

So... is it time for harmattan-999-pr-thumb?

I just checked some of the binaries from Harmattan with 'file' amd you're right - the binaries are indeed compiled without Thumb support.

Maybe we should tell Jolla to build their binaries with Thumb on their devices?

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