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enne30 2012-11-27 13:20

MicroB downloads (newbie?) question...
Is there any way to retrieve the URL of current downloads in MicroB (to eventually paste them in terminal + wget)?

When a website starts a download via js I cannot get it... :confused:

michaaa62 2012-11-27 17:38

Re: MicroB downloads (newbie?) question...
Long press the link, wait for the context menu to appear, 'Copy Link Address'.
Switch windows to X-Terminal application, then 'cd' to the directory of your choice and type 'wget -c ', tap on the upper menu bar and tap 'Insert'.

panjgoori 2012-11-27 18:18

Re: MicroB downloads (newbie?) question...
i have a another problem. does any know any other director that Microb is saving my downloads. i downloaded about 5 videos and selected my desired folder but non of the videos are there.

michaaa62 2012-11-27 18:32

Re: MicroB downloads (newbie?) question...
Is the directory a read-only file system?
Please check with the mount command.
Never had this, but does the directory really exist?

panjgoori 2012-11-27 18:58

Re: MicroB downloads (newbie?) question...

Originally Posted by michaaa62 (Post 1299048)
Is the directory a read-only file system?
Please check with the mount command.
Never had this, but does the directory really exist?

yes directory exist and its not read only as i deleted i file and it got deleted without any problem. it exist yes and yes i have added it in no watch directory list in tracker-cfg app.

folder is located at /MyDocs/.documents/videos

enne30 2012-11-27 20:32

Re: MicroB downloads (newbie?) question...

Originally Posted by michaaa62 (Post 1299021)
Long press the link, wait for the context menu to appear, 'Copy Link Address'.
Switch windows to X-Terminal application, then 'cd' to the directory of your choice and type 'wget -c ', tap on the upper menu bar and tap 'Insert'.

well, the problem is with javascript buttons, where you have not a direct link and 'Copy link address' does not copy real url of download (i.e. you click on js button and a redirect to the real url happens); in this situation MicroB starts downloading but you cannot know real url of download (to my knowledge at least)... using firefox I'd use the 'copy download url' function in download window... but in MicroB? :confused:

adunanzav3x 2012-11-27 20:46

Re: MicroB downloads (newbie?) question...
Do you want download from youtube?



wget -c /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/videos
You will download only HTML page.

To download YouTube videos you can install cuteTube-QML. It's a YouTube client and downloader.

michaaa62 2012-11-27 21:09

Re: MicroB downloads (newbie?) question...
Are these files in 'Documents' or 'Videos' by any chance?

ijAcK 2012-11-27 23:31

Re: MicroB downloads (newbie?) question...
to download youtube video simple play the video on microB before navigating to any other website or before closing microbrowser and after it has finised streaming the video goto file manager and open the folder tmp there you will see the flash youtube video but this can be play only using mplayer.

panjgoori 2012-11-28 02:35

Re: MicroB downloads (newbie?) question...

Originally Posted by adunanzav3x (Post 1299102)
Do you want download from youtube?



wget -c /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/videos
You will download only HTML page.

To download YouTube videos you can install cuteTube-QML. It's a YouTube client and downloader.

no. it was just a simple 3gp video. yes i use cuteTube for downloading and watching youtube videos.


Originally Posted by michaaa62 (Post 1299116)
Are these files in 'Documents' or 'Videos' by any chance?

no. already checked those folders and others but not there also :(

Videos are not a big deal for me i will get them again but i want to know why Microb is not saving videos to my desired folder. will download some other files and will report. Thanks everyone.

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