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ijAcK 2012-11-27 23:35

is there hope for running sailfish os on n900
is there a hope for n900 to run sailfish os

handaxe 2012-11-28 00:04

Re: is there hope for running sailfish os on n900
Remember - porting is one thing (and I know not wots wot there) and usability / enjoyment is another. Sailfish - 2012/13 OS; n900 - 2008/9 hardware. Hmmm.......

I would love to be wrong.

shmerl 2012-11-28 00:09

Re: is there hope for running sailfish os on n900

handaxe 2012-11-28 00:12

Re: is there hope for running sailfish os on n900

Originally Posted by shmerl (Post 1299155)

Tada!! Thanks Shmerl; much as I suspected...... and no fault of the luverly n900.

hyno111 2012-11-28 00:29

Re: is there hope for running sailfish os on n900
I thought N900 users are more experienced users and there won't be a dumb thread like this, I'm wrong.
Luckily no one is asking it for N8x0 (for now)

dylanemcgregor 2012-11-28 21:21

Re: is there hope for running sailfish os on n900
What about other hardware? My dream is to be able to choose my hardware and my OS separately, does Sailfish bring that dream any closer to reality?

handaxe 2012-11-28 23:29

Re: is there hope for running sailfish os on n900

Originally Posted by dylanemcgregor (Post 1299486)
My dream is to be able to choose my hardware and my OS separately, does Sailfish bring that dream any closer to reality?

Yours and everyone else's of a FOSS mindset....

Sadly, no as no OS can operate without hardware drivers and those are what phone manufacturers are notoriously bad in releasing as opensource. Thus the n900 still labours under the burden of specific binary blob hardware drivers. Sailfish would need such to operate on one or other pieces of kit.

There are completely open handsets - google around - but cutting edge they 'aint.

dylanemcgregor 2012-11-29 14:32

Re: is there hope for running sailfish os on n900

Originally Posted by handaxe (Post 1299527)
Yours and everyone else's of a FOSS mindset....

Sadly, no as no OS can operate without hardware drivers and those are what phone manufacturers are notoriously bad in releasing as opensource. Thus the n900 still labours under the burden of specific binary blob hardware drivers. Sailfish would need such to operate on one or other pieces of kit.

There are completely open handsets - google around - but cutting edge they 'aint.

This comment will show how very little I know about any of this...but why is it possible to get Android to run on the N9 and N900 then? But not the reverse.

ijAcK 2012-12-03 12:01

Re: is there hope for running sailfish os on n900

Originally Posted by hyno111 (Post 1299161)
I thought N900 users are more experienced users and there won't be a dumb thread like this, I'm wrong.
Luckily no one is asking it for N8x0 (for now)

don't thought.

Dave999 2012-12-03 12:17

Re: is there hope for running sailfish os on n900
Elrond: Why do you linger here when there is no hope?
Arwen: There is still hope.

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