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marcaurell 2012-11-29 17:13

N9 under water for 3 Seconds
Today i made i big Mistake, my Nokia N9 falls in my Bath it was max 3 Seconds under water (depht 10cm) It was turned on, i take it out within 3 seconds and its on all the time. I open the sim holder and i see no water i blow smooth into sim tray and i feel air on the bottom and at the gap between display and backcover but no water. I see water anywhere, neither in the display still in the camera
I have to say it was pure water about 30 degrees warm and we have very mild water. I, for my coffee machine for the last time before decalcified 5 years. I hope this has a positive effect.

Has anyone experiences with a similar incident?

what should I do best does anyone have a suggestion

Sorry for my bad English i am from Austria and i not so fix in English language.

Leinad 2012-11-29 17:19

Re: N9 under water for 3 Seconds
I once dumped a whole cup of coffee over my N9... i wiped it of and was good to go, nothing happened.

It's not sold as outdoor-phone, but i guess it's pretty mutch water- (and coffe-) resistant :)

captainofiron 2012-11-29 17:24

Re: N9 under water for 3 Seconds
glad everything seems to be working good, my brother has the Samsung Rugby, and he has abused that thing, he dropped it to the bottom of a pool and it was down there a while, and still worked

sunyakram 2012-11-29 17:39

Re: N9 under water for 3 Seconds
first aid for accident like this remove battery fastly and dont try to turn it on and use hair drier or a 100w lemp for dry it now your phone feel healthy but dont put it in microwave oven like my brother :d

qwazix 2012-11-29 17:41

Re: N9 under water for 3 Seconds
Now it's probably too late, but after an electronic device falls in water you should turn it quickly off, and put it in rice or silica gel for some days. Do not blow it with a hairdryer.

see this

peterleinchen 2012-11-29 17:48

Re: N9 under water for 3 Seconds
Like qwazix said, IMMEDIATELY turn off and pull/decouple battery. After that put it upright so that water can flow out, Open all doors, jacks, whatever you may open. Leave it rinsing as long as water flows.

NEVER ever use a hair dryer. Keep it at a non-humid warm place with slight air flow. Or even better put into box with rice or if you have silica gel for at least 24h.

Best would be to disassemble and rinse it with (lay it inside, take care of cam) pure alcohol for a short time and do as above.

marcaurell 2012-11-29 18:10

Re: N9 under water for 3 Seconds
Thank you Guys, thank you very very much!!!

I will search all silica gel at home, switch it off and take it in for 3 days in a room with complete dry condition.

myname24 2012-11-29 18:13

Re: N9 under water for 3 Seconds
yes for the above it helped my N900 to recover the digitizer and now it works .

sixwheeledbeast 2012-11-29 18:15

Re: N9 under water for 3 Seconds

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1299790)
IMMEDIATELY turn off and pull/decouple battery.

All good advise (which FYI has been covered here before in great depth).
Unfortunately there is no easy way to remove the battery on an N9

peterleinchen 2012-11-29 19:00

Re: N9 under water for 3 Seconds

Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast (Post 1299802)
Unfortunately there is no easy way to remove the battery on an N9

That's why I wrote also "decouple".

And I repeat it here for marcaurell:
press the power button for longer than 8 seconds.

I give this advise out of (still yet) absolutely N9-experiences-free knowledge, hoping that this way not only flashing is made easy, but also power consumption (current flow) is stopped.
Maybe some more HW experienced guy can confirm?
(at least this will not make things worse)

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