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mtvoid 2012-12-05 16:56

[Announce] GNU Emacs 2̶4̶ 25 for N900
Update 2016-09-20:
Emacs 25.1 is now out, and a new package, emacs25 is in the repository (it conflicts with emacs24, which will be automatically removed if you install this new version).

Some tips:
  • If you are using the default hardware keyboard layout, then it is highly recommended that you remap the keys to allow you to use Emacs effectively (you'll need to add the Esc key to the layout at least, which can then be used as the Meta modifier). As an example, I map Fn+Backspace to Escape and Fn+Return to Tab:

    key <BKSP>  { [ BackSpace, Delete, Escape, Escape ] };
    key <RTRN>  { [ KP_Enter, KP_Enter, Tab, Tab ] };

    Use the following as a guide to customize your layout: Guide to remapping keyboard
  • To make better use of the limited screen space, I've set the menu bar and tool bar to hide on startup. If you want them, add these lines to your .emacs:
    (menu-bar-mode 1)
    (tool-bar-mode 1)
  • To switch to fullscreen mode, call the function (toggle-frame-fullscreen) (mapped to <f11> by default).
---Original announcement---
I had compiled Emacs so that I could run it on an N900, and thought of sharing the results by uploading the package, which is now in the extras-devel repository (from which Emacs was conspicuously absent until now!). It is the current stable release (24.4 [updated 2014-11-13]), and split into two packages, emacs24 and emacs24-el (optional package if you also want the elisp sources). I've made only minimal changes over the upstream version to adapt it to the Maemo environment, and I encourage you to test it and see if it works for you.

I'll update this post upon receiving further feedback. Happy testing!

reinob 2012-12-05 20:33

Re: [Announce] GNU Emacs 24 for N900
Nice. Just installed it and played a bit with it. I was however expecting a non-graphical version (emacs-nox?).

Would it be too much to ask you to package that up as well? :)

mtvoid 2012-12-05 20:45

Re: [Announce] GNU Emacs 24 for N900

Originally Posted by reinob (Post 1301704)
Nice. Just installed it and played a bit with it. I was however expecting a non-graphical version (emacs-nox?).

Would it be too much to ask you to package that up as well? :)

Well, you can always launch it within a terminal as "emacs -nw", then you'll get the console-based version! 2012-12-05 20:46

Re: [Announce] GNU Emacs 24 for N900
does it depends on hildon ? if not it would be a good challenge to port it to harmattan, ... for now i use zile and redak :)

mtvoid 2012-12-05 21:09

Re: [Announce] GNU Emacs 24 for N900

Originally Posted by (Post 1301709)
does it depends on hildon ? if not it would be a good challenge to port it to harmattan, ... for now i use zile and redak :)

It links to GTK+ and related libraries, but it does not have any Hildon-specific dependencies. I don't know if it will compile for harmattan; maybe with an alternate toolkit or without X support.

reinob 2012-12-05 21:13

Re: [Announce] GNU Emacs 24 for N900

Originally Posted by mtvoid (Post 1301707)
Well, you can always launch it within a terminal as "emacs -nw", then you'll get the console-based version!

/me feeling incredibly stupid. Thanks for the slap. 2012-12-05 21:17

Re: [Announce] GNU Emacs 24 for N900

Originally Posted by mtvoid (Post 1301718)
It links to GTK+ and related libraries, but it does not have any Hildon-specific dependencies. I don't know if it will compile for harmattan; maybe with an alternate toolkit or without X support.

well we built gtk on harmattan but did not test much ... are your sources published ? link to dsc or git would be welcome ....

mtvoid 2012-12-05 21:23

Re: [Announce] GNU Emacs 24 for N900

Originally Posted by (Post 1301726)
well we built gtk on harmattan but did not test much ... are your sources published ? link to dsc or git would be welcome ....

You can download the sources from the package page:

I did not really have to make any modifications to the source for it to compile under scratchbox for fremantle. You can give it a try with harmattan.

dfdfdf 2012-12-05 22:19

Re: [Announce] GNU Emacs 24 for N900
I just installed it, works fine but the menus go some strange background.

How can I run my program in it?
If I create .C file, how can I run it to test how it works?
in original emacs I use 'gcc file.c' then I do './a.exe' to run
How can I do it here?


mtvoid 2012-12-05 22:54

Re: [Announce] GNU Emacs 24 for N900

Originally Posted by dfdfdf (Post 1301739)
I just installed it, works fine but the menus go some strange background.

I have noticed some visual glitches with some GUI elements. I personally keep the tool bar and menu bar hidden (you can toggle with M-x tool-bar-mode and M-x menu-bar-mode)


How can I run my program in it?
If I create .C file, how can I run it to test how it works?
in original emacs I use 'gcc file.c' then I do './a.exe' to run
How can I do it here?
It should work pretty much the same way (provided you have gcc installed of course). Just invoke gcc via M-x compile.

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