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ijAcK 2012-12-05 18:01

why is N900 so slow while my old pc 400mhz 64 ram
i was just wondering why is N900 so slow while my old pc 400mhz with 64mb ram run windows xp smoothly?

sifo 2012-12-05 18:03

Re: why is N900 so slow while my old pc 400mhz 64 ram
Due to Nokia mark on the upper left of the device screen...

thedead1440 2012-12-05 18:05

Re: why is N900 so slow while my old pc 400mhz 64 ram
I was just wondering why is my old dual-core PC unable to handle Windows Vista when my Pentium 4 PC can handle XP so well :rolleyes:

Edit: Minimum (not recommended) requirement for XP is 64MB RAM so i wonder what exactly the OP has been running on it...Maybe watching the screensaver? :cool:

anthonie 2012-12-05 18:06

Re: why is N900 so slow while my old pc 400mhz 64 ram
Try running Windows XP with a number of internet services running like MSN, Skype and Yappari, add a browser to the mix, a text editor and I can not help but wonder how "fast" your XP installtion will run.

javispedro 2012-12-05 18:52

Re: why is N900 so slow while my old pc 400mhz 64 ram
One word: ARM. It's not the "solution to all of our computing problems" as they like to put themselves these days.

qwazix 2012-12-05 19:12

Re: why is N900 so slow while my old pc 400mhz 64 ram
I bet the N900 with debian Potato will be faster than your XP PC. Probably even the N810.

sunyakram 2012-12-05 19:27

Re: why is N900 so slow while my old pc 400mhz 64 ram
thedead1440 and sifo your replies are always like tomato catchup :P and make many people speachless :D so keep them up

reinob 2012-12-05 19:59

Re: why is N900 so slow while my old pc 400mhz 64 ram

Originally Posted by ijAcK (Post 1301659)
i was just wondering why is N900 so slow while my old pc 400mhz with 64mb ram run windows xp smoothly?

An Intel Pentium running @400Mhz is way way faster than the ARM processor on your N900. It needs about 1000x the power, but that's only a minor detail..

Plus the memory (especially RAM) is much faster on a PC than on your N900, or any smartphone for that matter.

bingomion 2012-12-05 20:46

Re: why is N900 so slow while my old pc 400mhz 64 ram
xp on 64megs of ram??? You mean win95

herpderp 2012-12-05 21:04

Re: why is N900 so slow while my old pc 400mhz 64 ram

Originally Posted by bingomion (Post 1301710)
xp on 64megs of ram??? You mean win95

You must be joking, win 95 ran like a beast even with 16MB or RAM!

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