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semdev01 2012-12-09 11:03

Google Maps Official (Java Version)
1 Attachment(s)
PhoneMe by Davy must be installed first (to run Java applications) which automatically install Nimbuzz & Opera Mini

a. cvm-midlets_0.6_armel.deb
b. cvm_MAEMO-mr2.b168+svn20547-20120818_armel.deb
OR cvm_MEEGO-mr2.b168+svn20547-20120818_armel.deb
Link ->

Download Google Maps Java version & put in folder /opt/phoneme:
(after download -> rename to googlemaps.jar for easier process next)

Making desktop shortcut:
1. Open X-Terminal as root & type cd /usr/share/applications/hildon/
2. cp nimbuzz.desktop googlemaps.desktop
3. open that file -> googlemaps.desktop (using LeafPad application or else) & replace all nimbuzz words with googlemaps

Making desktop icon:
Download googlemaps.png image below by right clicking & choose save then put in folder /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps

Google Maps w/ Latitude (GPS) ->, EXTRACT & don't forget renaming to googlemaps.jar (all small caps)

jw461 2012-12-14 04:04

Re: [N900] Google Maps
Looks like there's no GPS support that I can find, but otherwise, this is great! It runs extremely fast and is very usable though, which is a welcome change from our other mapping options.

semdev01 2012-12-14 15:23

Re: [N900] Google Maps
I've made an update in the instruction, for Google Maps w/ Latitude (GPS) or you can download here ->, extract & don't forget renaming to googlemaps.jar (all small caps)

jw461 2012-12-15 20:58

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Is there something you have to do to enable GPS support on the new version? When I start it, I get the message "Your current location is temporarily unavailable." and I can't find any options to enable or configure it.

semdev01 2012-12-16 01:16

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
1 Attachment(s)
i have the same issue & I don't know what cause the problem, either GPS poor locking (eventhough the GPS notification in status area says it's locking) or perhaps due to Google Maps is not running natively.

Here is the workaround, click on Latitude then Change your status -> fill nothing & just return to the main screen then My Location will appear in Menu (click it then wait a few moments for the bluedot adjusting to your actual location)

drbaablo 2012-12-16 02:51

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
"This port of phoneME Advanced allows you to run some basic midlets on the Nokia N900 running Maemo 5. The Nokia N9 with MeeGo can run this port too, though with some little inconveniences. While many features like 3D, GPS, bluetooth, multimedia playback, etc. are still missing, some popular midlets like Opera Mini seem to work OK."

toebaer 2012-12-18 06:47

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
I have installed the latest version of phoneme for MeeGo and I have also downloaded the Google Maps w/ Latitude .jar file.

I had to install "unzip" in order to have phoneme with facebook.jar running on my N9 (compare

However, phoneme shuts down immediately after startup when I press the googlemaps icon. I ran

~ # cd /opt/phoneme/bin

/opt/phoneme/bin # ./runmidlet /opt/phoneme/googlemaps.jar

and received the following error message:

End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
/opt/phoneme/bin #

Hence, phoneme on MeeGo expects googlemaps.jar to be an archive file? Maybe zipping googlemaps.jar would help, but I havent tried (not sure how to do that anyway).

munozferna 2012-12-18 07:36

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)
Jar is a ZIP file, try to open it with 7zip on a desktop computer or if you use linux: file googlemaps.jar

semdev01 2012-12-18 07:57

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)

Originally Posted by toebaer (Post 1305588)
and received the following error message:

End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
/opt/phoneme/bin #

Hence, phoneme on MeeGo expects googlemaps.jar to be an archive file? Maybe zipping googlemaps.jar would help, but I havent tried (not sure how to do that anyway).

You can try 7zip @ PC as munozferna said but I speculate the otherway that the message is asking to compress googlemaps.jar to & not to decompress it?

Any other thoughts of Meego expert out there regarding that error msg, because I'm not using Meego?

toebaer 2012-12-18 08:13

Re: Google Maps Official (Java Version)

Originally Posted by semdev01 (Post 1305609)
You can try 7zip @ PC as munozferna said but I speculate the otherway that the message is asking to compress googlemaps.jar to & not decompress it?

Any other thoughts of Meego expert out there regarding that error msg, because I'm not using Meego?

I downloaded GoogleMaps.rar to my Mac, installed an utility to decompress it (unrar) and received two files


(I first had renamed GoogleMaps.rar to googlemaps.jar and copied to /opt/phoneme, so I had not read your instructions properly, sorry)

I copied both to my N9 with bluetooth and did

cp /home/user/MyDocs/GoogleMaps.jar /opt/phoneme/googlemaps.jar
cp /home/user/MyDocs/GoogleMaps.jad /opt/phoneme/googlemaps.jad

and it is working :)

The good thing with this is that it includes public transport for routing/directions also outside of my town, which is not the case for NokiaMaps, as far as I know and I am concerned.

But using the keyboard is a bit cumbersome..

Anyways, thanks very much for that, it is otherwise really fast and neat...

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