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pichlo 2012-12-10 13:03

The N900 could have made it really big...
...if only Nokia used the right words in their marketing.

The URL is quite dated and may go away, so here is the crucial first sentence of the second paragraph:

"The <censored> is a joint product by the <censored> carrier, electronics manufacturer <censored> and programming giant and software developer Linux."
(Censoring and emphasis are mine)

Dave999 2012-12-10 13:15

Re: The N900 could have made it really big...
Some say Code is king, I say marketing is king!

Bad code great marketing == Win!
Great code bad marketing == Fail!
Great code great marketing == Epic Win!

herpderp 2012-12-10 13:58

Re: The N900 could have made it really big...
Linux is neither a programming giant, nor a software developer. It's a kernel that can be used to build operating systems.

anthonie 2012-12-10 15:29

Re: The N900 could have made it really big...
And the reason why this "informative" thread has not been placed in the offtopic forum?

gerbick 2012-12-10 15:41

Re: The N900 could have made it really big...
Too many hardware issues and returns for it to be a runaway success like we'd all want it to have been.

That and lack of third party support that didn't have to coerced via payment to even support Maemo (think Skype for instance that fell outside of Collabora supported protocols) were against the N900.

pichlo 2012-12-11 00:00

Re: The N900 could have made it really big...

Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1303098)
Linux is neither a programming giant, nor a software developer.

That's the point!


Originally Posted by anthonie (Post 1303130)
And the reason why this "informative" thread has not been placed in the offtopic forum?

Sorry, it should have been. My fault. Can it be moved?

Lumiaman 2012-12-11 00:10

Re: The N900 could have made it really big...
N900 was a great launching pad that never reached its potential. It had a potential....but we hear too often this word from Nokia: had a potential but never fulfilled the promise

anthonie 2012-12-11 10:51

Re: The N900 could have made it really big...
It's bollocks that the N900 never reached it's full potential. The N900 didn't get much after-sales-support, true, but the device itself, even with it's flaws, has more than reached potential.

This device was targeted at geeks, computer savvy people, in short, all the non-human users that longed for a computer in their pockets.

stickymick 2012-12-14 12:04

Re: The N900 could have made it really big...
When Nokia started to produce the N series of devices they marketed them as "The computer in your pocket".
Some of the N series were outstandingly good (once all the bugs and gripes had been ironed out). Still got my N73 and N95-8GB today.

It all went wrong for the N series starting from the N96. Seems like they never worked on the memory management to accomodate all the extra bells and whistles, to the point that the if you had more than a few widgets on screen at any time the N97 would crash or restart because it ran out of memory.

During this time Nokia were challenged many times about their "Computer in your pocket" marketing statement.
I reckon the N900 was Nokia's answer to all those challenges.
As for the reasons why it "never reached it's full potential" as some put it were numerous and they were not all Nokia's fault. The problems with the N96 and N97 didn't help. The networks were less than happy with the device so they refused to stock it on the grounds that it failed their software testing process (they couldn't install all their corporate junk on it).

I'm surprised how many people think my N900 is running Symbian....or Android even. Most of these people are actually sales staff in mobile phone shops. Shows how out of touch, ill informed and blinded by Apple and Google they are IMO.

ste-phan 2012-12-14 12:24

Re: The N900 could have made it really big...

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1303137)
Too many hardware issues and returns for it to be a runaway success like we'd all want it to have been.

That and lack of third party support that didn't have to coerced via payment to even support Maemo (think Skype for instance that fell outside of Collabora supported protocols) were against the N900.

in the launch days of the N900, Skype was not that much against the N900 to deny it videocalls like later on the N9.

Skype 2012 (MS-Skype) would be against the N900, for sure.

BARCELONA, February 17, 2009 -- Skype and Nokia today announced a partnership that will bring the world's leading Internet communications experience to the Nokia range of mobile computers. Under the terms of the cooperation, Skype™ will be integrated into Nokia devices, starting with the Nokia Nseries. The Nokia N97 flagship device will be the first to incorporate the Skype experience in the 3rd quarter of 2009.

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