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ZedThou 2013-01-13 04:14

Reboot after hildon starts
My N900 is rebooting a while after hildon starts up, and I can't figure out why.

I'm running the latest osso and power kernel. The phone has been stable for the last year or so, but in the last week the USB port has started being finicky, the usual problem I suppose. Mounting the filesystems with backupmenu, I've disabled swapolube and overclocking, and even trackerd. I've also taken out the microSD and SIM just to try to narrow things down.

After I boot the phone up and the graphical interface starts, for about a minute I can watch what's running by opening a terminal and running top, and then the thing reboots.

So, any ideas on what to try next would be very much appreciated. As a last resort I will try reflashing, and then just buy another N900 I guess, since the USB port seem to be going anyway.

yaliang 2013-01-13 05:51

Re: Reboot after hildon starts
have u install cssu?
try to flash rom and emmc

sixwheeledbeast 2013-01-13 09:06

Re: Reboot after hildon starts
Loose battery or faulty battery?

Installed anything from CSSU-Devel lately?

ZedThou 2013-01-13 23:56

Re: Reboot after hildon starts
I am running cssu-devel, but haven't installed anything new in a very long time. Just the updates.

I have three batteries, they all display the same behaviour.

ZedThou 2013-01-14 03:48

Re: Reboot after hildon starts
I've found this, which sounds like the problem I'm having

So I will start there.

ZedThou 2013-01-14 04:29

Re: Reboot after hildon starts
Excellent, after doing a kludgy overwrite of the rootfs libxml2 with backupmenu, everything is fine. backupmenu rocks!

Unfortunately, I already ordered a new phone. I guess it'll sit in the closet until this one dies.

sixwheeledbeast 2013-01-14 08:05

Re: Reboot after hildon starts
CSSU-Devel is for experimental packages only. Updating from there will cause all sorts of hybrid Maemo's that are not tested.
Please read the "CSSU Devel will eat your Brain" thread if you insist on using.

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