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gibman 2013-01-16 10:47

wordlist for n900
I want to download a wordlist into my pc and then transfer it into my n900 through openssh. How do I go round it? What format should the wordlist be? .txt? Where can I download a good wordlist. I am using cleven.

ixahmd 2013-01-16 11:51

Re: wordlist for n900

Originally Posted by gibman (Post 1315403)
I want to download a wordlist into my pc and then transfer it into my n900 through openssh. How do I go round it? What format should the wordlist be? .txt? Where can I download a good wordlist. I am using cleven.

You can connect via USB and then just copy the file(s) across. If openssh has anything similar to pscp ( secure remote copy), you should also be able to copy the files, but that also requires SSHd running on N900.

The format of wordlist mostly found is regular readable (txt on windows) format. In unix /Linux u need the file to be regular file. wordlists torrents r out there and depending on their size, u can download it from various places.

saponga 2013-01-16 12:28

Re: wordlist for n900

Originally Posted by gibman (Post 1315403)
I want to download a wordlist into my pc and then transfer it into my n900 through openssh. How do I go round it? What format should the wordlist be? .txt? Where can I download a good wordlist. I am using cleven.

A good wordlist is +4GB. So i recomend you to use a usb cable. Or better, forget dictionary brute force attacks using N900. You will just lost your time. It'll take weeks or worst. Try, instead, reaver. Still brute force, but with less possibilities since the number of pins are limited. ;)

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