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gibman 2013-01-18 22:33

N900 help

I have the N900 (version 20.2010.36-2, Maemo5) and ended up with loads of unwanted downloads from repos and other sources so I decided to start from scratch and flashed it with.




Now for the past two days I keep getting extras-devel and extras-testing repositories failing to refresh. I can not post images here so I can not show screenshot logs and I have no USB cable atm and unable to download openssh but it looks like my system is corrupted with old data. Do I need to re-flash again? Or is the maemo repos server down, for over 48 hours? I have used data plan and home and friends wifi connection, and even changed the DNS but nothing helps. What action should I take?

Some errors I get:

gzip:invalid magic
E: Failed to fetch
apt-worker:Ignoring version from wrong domain.mediaplayer
apt-wprker: /var/lib/apt/lists/
apt-worker: Ignoring version from wrong domain:osso-applet-screencalib...
apt-worker: Ignoring version from wrong domain busybos-symlinks-dns...

Catalogue details Could not connect to repository, connection timed out.


anthonie 2013-01-18 22:47

Re: N900 help
The forum as well as the repo's have been down the last couple of days. Check the appropriate threads for it.

jamar 2013-01-18 22:49

Re: N900 help

there's an ongoing migration of whole to new servers. So extras repositories are down right now, should be back soon after Nokia change the DNS records to point to new servers.

See here:

gibman 2013-01-18 22:57

Re: N900 help
Thanks guys. I Missed that. duh

brkn 2013-01-18 23:34

Re: N900 help

Originally Posted by gibman (Post 1315759)
Thanks guys. I Missed that. duh

If it's urgent, use this mirror.

gibman 2013-01-20 08:54

Re: N900 help
thanks for the mirror. I did want to download quite a number of apps like xterm.openssh.wireshark.cleven..etc Should I download them or wait till the repos are up and running? Any ideas when the repos will be up? next week? next month?

mr_pingu 2013-01-20 10:54

Re: N900 help
It would be better that you wait for the public-repos are up again. Only download the "apps" you really need. The rest will come hopefully this week or next. Remember these mirrors are private servers of some members here in the community ;)

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