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biketool 2013-01-19 16:04

WikiVoyage Databases Now Available in Evopedia(update)
The free open source user created world travel reference wikitravel has been forked to a commercially unencumbered host called The new hosting is part of the wikimedia project and with the freely provided XML dumps there will be regular releases as part of the evopedia dump@home project.
This is the perfect tourists wikipedia companion for worldwide real useful local how-to survival information for travelers that wikipedia doesn't include making your phone or tablet into a real Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

This from Christian at Evopedia, "I am currently upgrading the
archiving process to mediawiki 1.20.2. After that, we can create the
first wikivoyage set!"

When they become avaliable you can either torrent download with your PC or use the intergrated torrent functionality in Evopedia to self install the databases in the language you require..

Also of interest is that in addition to the Maemo app on the repos the following versions are available:

Android™ (beta)
Openmoko (SHR)
Linux (Ubuntu)
Linux (Arch)

Update, English Wikivoyage is ready! Have fun!
The converted dump takes 66Mb and can be obtained by clicking the drop down after Evopedia opens, choosing "Archives", and scrollong down to the "en" english dumps, open that and you will see Wikipedia, Wikivoyage, and Wictionary. Using my N900 it took about five minutes to download with the built in torrent function, or download here:

biketool 2013-01-22 08:17

Re: WikiVoyage Databases Now Available in Evopedia(update)
Just got this update from Christian over at the Evopedia Dump@Home XML database processing project. Adding instructions in the OP.

English Wikivoyage is ready! Have fun!

So good news everybody!

nokiabot 2013-03-31 17:58

Re: WikiVoyage Databases Now Available in Evopedia(update)
How ofen the dump is updated??

biketool 2013-04-02 19:05

Re: WikiVoyage Databases Now Available in Evopedia(update)
I havent asked Christian but they process a wikipedia about once a year, wikivoyage is a quick to process dump so if you email the dump team at you might have luck if you notice significant activity.

nokiabot 2015-04-15 18:42

Re: WikiVoyage Databases Now Available in Evopedia(update)
project has been discontinued for all platforms they insted now plan to contribute to as it is officialy supported by wikipedia it is also available for linux and lightweight
now how to download wikipedia dumps that work on evopedia
or maybe new app gets compiled for n900

biketool 2015-04-16 17:34

Re: WikiVoyage Databases Now Available in Evopedia(update)
Damn, I was just thinking last week how this amazing offline/offgrid resource is one of shrinking importance to most people as data price pressure eases.
I may not need this now, but folks that loose their job or end up car-homeless with nothing but a prepaid voice sim could really use a resource like evopedia with both wikipedia and wikivoyage when they have no reliable internet access.
I wish they would do one more round of dumps.
There is the dump generator script on the evopedia site, it always failed when I tried to run it, it takes weeks to dump all of wikipedia even with the distributed clients running.

Can or someone in the community pick up the dump processing project, is there interest and resources?

Can anyone do a Kiwix port instead so we can use the resources of that community?

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