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zaidk9 2013-01-22 11:54

porting apps to harmattan possible???
sorry for disturbing u all
i had some questions
if there is some possibility for porting some apps to n9
like porting true caller, hike and some other apps

thedead1440 2013-01-22 12:05

Re: porting apps to harmattan possible???
yup we look forward to you porting them :)

myname24 2013-01-22 12:28

Re: porting apps to harmattan possible???
well the last app remaining for harmattan is true caller but it isn't that important . I think in social and small utilities and media players or browsers we have many options . And for hike wazapp have far more user base and they are all the same .

zaidk9 2013-01-22 12:34

Re: porting apps to harmattan possible???
i asked hike if they would port it to n9
and they told
if they dont do the community will :)

zaidk9 2013-01-22 12:39

Re: porting apps to harmattan possible???
force them on twitter or facebook to port it to n9
more pressure more possibilities of having it
@hikeapp and @hikesupport
@Truecaller and @TruecallerHelp

zaidk9 2013-01-22 12:42

Re: porting apps to harmattan possible???
meego and symbian are lakh times better than android
the only thing where android win is the no. of apps and games!!!
m i wrong???
the more we force the developers who r making apps for android and ios the more apps we get

myname24 2013-01-22 12:54

Re: porting apps to harmattan possible???
as for true caller i got a answer from true caller ( CEO ? I don't remeber but it's written in wiki page of missing apps ) he said they would help any developer creating the app . And if you post on twitter or facebook i don't think they will create them ( meego dead for them and user base isn't that high ) but you could try .

Edit : Developers response :@Nami_Zar (true
caller CEO ) However if there are any
community developers who want to
develop it we will support them
that was in 2012

frafI 2013-01-22 12:56

Re: porting apps to harmattan possible???

Originally Posted by zaidk9 (Post 1316602)
the more we force the developers who r making apps for android and ios the more apps we get

Yes, but the only way to force them is a giant user base.
Also keep in mind that "porting" apps with a substantial GUI or other parts that rely on the platform they were develped for, is as hard as developing a new app. The only exception is a multiplatform toolkit, but both applications you mentioned don't seem to use one.
An app like true caller would not be very hard, iff you had access to their servers, i.e. iff they provide a public api.

juiceme 2013-01-22 14:13

Re: porting apps to harmattan possible???
If I remember correctly I tried Truecaller for symbian some long time ago. When I found out it wants to upload your contacts DB to their servers I deleted it really quickly.

zaidk9 2013-01-22 17:28

Re: porting apps to harmattan possible???
well lets wait at least for hike
and on myname24's words

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